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Jon's wings!


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I think the girl who was supposed to get Jon wanted his wings clipped, because they are clipped right now.


Shelby, at seven months, JUST grew his flights back in, and has been finally enjoying life! He flies around the room, doing tight circles, and sings the whole time. Jon watches Shelby fly and flaps his wings. He can barely lift himself off the ground. One time he even fell from my bed to the floor when he tried to fly. It is upsetting me a great deal, especially since Jon is pretty awkward on his feet (his nails were trimmed too short).


Is there anything I can do to ease the period between now and when his flights grow in?

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Don't allow him to go to high perches for if he jumps off he could hurt himself when he hits the floor, you can put down some blankets or something soft to cushion the area around his playstands or where he spends some time when out of his cage. Poor little dear sees Shelby fly and wants to join in the fun but it will take some time until those flights grow out so he can regain the ability to fly.

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Aw, I was hoping I could like...buy him prosthetic flights or something, hehe!


I have already not put perches high up in his cage, and I don't allow him on his playtop yet. I just know that the second I turn my back something awful will happen.

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When I got Ana Grey at 4 months, she was clipped by her breeder. Ana Grey was always trying to fly and I have hardwood floors. I would help her out. If I saw her flapping her wings and ready to launch I would have her step up on my arm and go to a place that was safe. I would launch her toward the sofa or bed where she would land softly. As her wings got stronger I would launch her toward a hanging boing or ceiling perch where she could land without a crash. It told about a year for her to become fully flighted and I believe this safe practicing helped her strengthen her wing muscles. Ana Grey now flies and maneuvers around the house like a jet pilot. The boings and perches throughout my home are her landing places so I usually know where to find her now that she can fly.

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