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Joy, Loss and Lost

Ray P

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In the past week there were four post on this forum that make us think about our life with our fids and how it could end in a heart beat and leave us at a loss.

The first post started with joy with the celabration of Barbara 2`s Neo`s first hatch day only to turn to loss a few days later with his passing.

And that there is Chezron`s Quaker Jimpster that was lost after he flew out the door of there home and the joy when a good person found him and made sure he got back to his home all safe.

After I read these post I just wanted to give all my birds a big hug and just love them up because you just don`t know what the next day will bring.

My heart goes out to barbara 2 for her loss and I know she will always have his memory.

And my joy to chezron for Jimpster`s home comming.

I know the members of this forum will always feel the loss and share the joy of each member and I beleve that is a comfort to each of us.

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I think all our hearts go out to Barbara right now on her loss of Neo and she will never forget him even though she had him for such a short time, it doesn't take long for them to get into our hearts.

The situations with both birds makes us all want to give our fids an extra hug and kiss for we are thankful it wasn't one of them that was lost but it could happen to any of us at any time, thanks Ray for posting this for us.

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