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Unexpected new family member - need all the advice we can get


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My mother had a co-worker suddenly pass away on Monday - and he left behind two birds. So my family decided we would take then in. One is an African Grey (Koko) - the other a cockatiel (Eggbert).

We don't know much about either bird - we know that we're at least the 3rd owner for Koko (the co-worker had received it from his grandfather). And as much research as we can do online, we're still pretty clueless about the birds.

I was browsing the forums yesterday and reading all the new Grey parents threads and got some useful information, but still would appreciate all the support and advice you can give.

One thing I have noticed is that the Grey tends to puff up when we try to talk to her (him? We don't know if it's a boy or a girl, or how old it is!). So I don't know if this is a defense mechanism - trying to make her seem bigger and try to scare us off? Or is this something normal and not meant to intimidate us?

We're leaving both birds in their cages right now, and just letting them get used to us and their new surroundings, but how long should we let that go on? I don't want to just leave them in the cage for so long that they never want to come out, but I don't want to rush anything.

The only time Koko has been aggressive was when we first went to pick them up, and we saw they had no water and when we tried to take out the water bowl she nipped at my mom, but since then we've changed their water and food several times and she has been fine.

I also noticed he had them on a seed mix diet, and I know from reading the threads that it's not the best thing for them - so suggestions on food welcomed! We gave them broccoli and carrots last night (both raw) but they didn't seem to know what to do with them.

Also - any toy suggestions?


Looking forward to hearing what everyone has to say!


I've attached a picture I was able to take of Koko last night...

resized Koko.jpg

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Wow. Congratulations! I really like that you're looking for quality advice on how to take care of your new birds. I'm pretty new at this myself, so I'll leave it to the more experienced bird folk to answer your questions. I just wanted to say welcome, and it sounds to me like you're doing all the right things so far by paying attention to body language, giving them a little space, and doing research.

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Good Morning Lizzy!


First, let me thank you for taking in two birds! I have done so in the past as well, and it's one of the most rewarding experiences!


Now, KoKo can easily be freaked out because Grey's are super sensitive. If I were you, I would put there cages where they will be permanently, and leave him to get used to his surroundings. Leave the door closed so he feels secure, and maybe later this evening open it, and just walk away. Let him come out. He may not come out for a few days, or he may pop right out and talk! You never know!

Food- There are TONS of suggestions on the forum for feeding. I would suggest introducing cooked veggies (warm, and soft) at first. Koko and Eggburt may never have had anything but seed. Peanut butter (organic, no sugar) is a good way to get them to try things. If they won't touch the raw food, cooked veggies are better than no veggies. We steam carrots for our Grey, Sully... and he LOVES them- but wouldn't touch a raw carrot to save his life!


Over the next few days, just kind of leave them both be. Do you have other birds? If so, you need to keep KoKo and Eggburt away from your other birds for atleast 30 days. This is to make sure there are no diseases or illnesses transferred. Also, a vet check should be performed by an avian vet :) The puffing up MAY be a defense mechinism, but sometimes grey's just do it when they get excited or happy. If he is snapping at you or getting big around his head and swaying back and forth- he may be trying to intimidate. If the pupils of his eyes get super tiny and he gets very still- back off.. He's probably going to bite.

Usually birds can be cage aggressive. Try letting him come out on his own- he may be much nicer outside of his cage. Even some of the sweetest birds will bite when their owner reaches for their food or water.


On another note... To me, Koko's cage looks too small. It would be a great sleep cage, but not a good play cage. Although I would wait awhile before getting him a new one, he needs a bigger cage. He needs lots of space, toys and fun things to do in his cage so he can be content, and not begin to pluck or stress. I know all this seems so overwhelming, but it's important to get these things going so Koko and Eggburt have a smooth transition!


As for Toys- Any wood toys are GREAT- You can often make toys yourself (check out the home made toys section of the forum) out of cheap things around the house. I wouldn't push too much on them at first though. Maybe a couple of new toys this week, and adding a few more next week. Good luck!


All of us are here to help!

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Congrats on taking in these two birds as they needed a home and you are doing the right thing to read thru the threads here as you will learn firsthand about these precious creatures.

Greys are very cautious and take to change slowly so take it easy and allow them time to settle in and feel comfortable, this is more so with adult birds that are more set in their ways, you can open the cage and allow Koko to come out on his own and let him set the pace with any interaction he may want from you.

Yes the puffing up is an indication he is wary of you but that will subside when he gets settled in, don't push him for more than he is willing to give right now as you want to establish trust with him and a grey's trust has to be earned, this can take weeks, months or longer but it will be worth it.

You will find lots of threads of what you can and cannot feed your grey by reading thru the threads in the bird food room, seed is part of their diet but so are vegetables, some fruit, nuts, legumes, grains and some protein sources.

He does need some toys to occupy his mind especially when no one is home and you will find lots of suggestions in the playstands and toys room or browse thru the online sites for lots of ideas.

He looks like he was well taken care of, a handsome fella, thanks for including it in with your first post.

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Great advice from the others. Yay to you for taking them in and doing great research here for them. Sounds like they didn't have the best care, but I can tell you will fix that!


Definitely, that grey needs a much larger cage, check eBay, you can find a good size cage very cheap. Ai would try cooked foods, and let them see you loving it. It will take some time for them to adjust and trust you. But be loving and patient, it will be worth it in the end. Canteens to hear more!

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Thank you all for the advice! I definitely agree that Koko's cage is too small and have been researching cages online. I have a good feeling about this, just need our dogs to calm down and move on (they were a bit freaked out) but after a few days I think everything should start falling in to place...


Keep the advice coming!!

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