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Freezie Pops... too much sugar?


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Sully has been eyeing my freezie pops (you know, the popsicles in the plastic tube) for MONTHS. I eat them like CRAZY during the summer months! Anyway, Sully grabbed one right out of my hand the other day and chomped down on it. He really liked it (which is odd, because he usually doesn't like cold). Anyway, a whole freezie pop has 5g of sugar, and it got me wondering how much sugar is too much sugar for a grey?


Now I know they should have very little sugar... but does anyone know exactly how much sugar would be okay?

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are the artificial sweeteners safe for the birds? i've been very careful with them because i'm not sure if one is more safe than another. our girls love freezer pops too! we let them have the tube once its empty so they can enjoy the drops left over inside. they like to "play" with them and it's fun watching them figure out how to get to the treasure. we make sure they aren't eating the tube though.

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