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We just celebrated Neo's 1st birthday and now I'm mourning his death. I was out of town for a long weekend and was on my way home this morning. I got a call from my pet sitter and she said that she came in this morning and found Neo dead on the bottom of his cage. She said he was fine last night, eating and playing. I told her to leave him and I came home to take care of him. He still had food all over his beak as if he had been in the middle of eating. He is at the avian vets now for a necropsy. I will follow up and let you all know what happened when I get the report.

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Barbara, I am so sorry to hear of this sad news, you must be devastated but I imagine that the necropsy will reveal there was nothing you could have done to prevent it, these things happen sometimes and take some comfort from the fact that Neo had a loving home for his short life. Please accept my condolenses on your loss.

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Thanks to all. I've been missing him so much even though we were only gone a few days. I was just thinking before the call came about getting home and getting him out of his cage for playtime. I'm feeling pretty lost.


Based on the description the vet doesn't think that my other birds are at risk. Whatever happened was very sudden. Neo still had food on his beak as if he was in the middle of eating. I hope I can find out what happened to him because right now I'm feeling that "I'm such a failure, I let him down." feeling.

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I hope I can find out what happened to him because right now I'm feeling that

"I'm such a failure, I let him down."


Barbara, I think you are going to find there was nothing you could have done to prevent what happened to Neo, even if you had been home at the time you would still have lost him, he may have had some physical defect that didn't have any warning signs so don't beat yourself up over what you can't control, he knew he was loved even in the short time he lived but now he is free and flying over the Rainbow Bridge, he will not be forgotten.

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I just spoke to the office of the avian vet who did the necropsy on Neo. He said there were lesions on his liver and kidneys. He believes it was either a toxin or infection. He wants to send samples off for further testing so I won't know for sure until after July 5th. He does think it's possible that it was something he was born with. If anyone here has any insight, even if it is a guess, I would welcome your ideas.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Dear Barbara, I am sooo sorry for your loss. I went through something similar with my first CAG baby Juno. When I drove him to his original vet for his necropsy, my heart was so heavy and sad. There was a feeling that I let him down, that I was going to go through the necropsy and find something I did, didn't do or somehow inadvertently caused his death. He was only with me for seven weeks. Even though I have been through it, twice now, and it is hard to be where you are now, please don't beat yourself up speculating. My guess is the necropsy will show there was something underlying or perhaps even that they can find no direct cause. Regardless, you loved Neo, you gave him your best. You did all the things you knew to do. It has to be even more difficult that you were returning home anticipating a joyous reunion and the great heightened emotions made the shock even harder on you. Please nurture and care for yourself and be kind to you. If this were one of us, you would be standing there with a shoulder and kind word and all the support you deserve to turn around right now to you. No one could have been a better mom to Neo and he was treasured and loved. None of us could ask for anything more in life to have that for even the shortest time. Neo had it for his lifetime. There are so many of us out here now sending you our virtual hugs and condolences. Dee

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