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not health more safty idea!


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My wife now runs a day care for children and she got an item that goes on the side or top of doors. Got me thinking that it`s a great idea for parrots safty. Ever nearly closed the door with your parrot on it? i sad to say i have got very close to it!. This works well also they are scared of them so keeps them off door`s :P





they can be brought from ebay about £3.00 ish pack of 4 different colours and theme.






Hope this helps works well for me as my grey won`t go near them :P even put one on my curtain poll lol works a treat!! could also make a home made one maybe:confused:




Edited by Lex
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Health and safty go hand and hand, And what ever we can do to make it safe for our birds is a health issue.

If your birds like to perch on top of doors than that is a great idea. If we only had a way to protect the outside doors so they could not get out.

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doors and windows are a problem i won`t clip their wings they are birds birds fly i couldn`t take that away from them but i do understand from both sides. We lock the doors so it gives you more time to think before you open them.



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