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Hi All! New Grey Parent!

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Hi everyone- Rick in San Diego here. I've just welcomed a great new addition to the family- 5 month old Grey :D We've named her Sunny. The breeder (private) has been very helpful, and just in her first few days she is warming up to her new surroundings.

She will step up to me, and has started to make all kinds of funny little "baby like" noises :D she is a real sweetheart. The breeders said that her parents were from Africa, not sure what or if that means something, but thought I would mention it. We have her cage all outfitted with many toys, and she loves to play both inside and on the outside top perch. In 2 days she already LOVES to take a bath/shower :) so thats good!

She does have some issues that I'm going to ask about- specifically that under her chin/lower beak is completely bare. I can see her "throat" and there are no feathers at all. When she is sitting normally, you can't tell. Only if you stretch her head up and look underneath can you see that it's completely bare under her beak. Not even sure if this is normal or not :/


Anyway- saying Hi and happy to be here! Sunny is such a great addition, and will be loved and cared for very much!



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She does have some issues that I'm going to ask about- specifically that under her chin/lower beak is completely bare. I can see her "throat" and there are no feathers at all. When she is sitting normally, you can't tell. Only if you stretch her head up and look underneath can you see that it's completely bare under her beak. Not even sure if this is normal or not :/


Hi Rick and Sunny, welcome to the Grey forums! What you described sounds quite normal. Our Marcus has that same little gap of featherless skin under his beak, too, as I know other Greys do. Perhaps someone else can tell you the proper name for it and everything, or if it's more pronounced in baby Greys than adults--because I really don't know :) as we adopted Marcus as an adult bird, and he's the only Grey I've ever had. But it sounds as though Sunny is settling in nicely to your home, and I know we all are looking forward to hearing more stories of her as she grows with you and your family!

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Hey Thanks! Thats a good sigh of relief I think! I posted similar over in the Health forum, and added some pics there if you'd like to check them out. I just realized that I said her parents were from Africa.. DUH! haha! Hence the name? haha! What I meant

was that they were directly from there, as opposed to US bred or whatever. I'm sure none of that means anything, but I didn't want to come off as a complete moron (not complete, only mostly! haha)


You've got quite the bird fleet there! We have 2 pitbulls, a Cane Corso (beautiful dog) and our little Sunny. She'll be bossing them around in no time! She's fullly flighted, and has already taken some initial ..ahem..Test flights... we are watching her and the doggies closely, and do not leave them unsupervised.

Thanks again! Rick and Sunny :)

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Hello Rick and welcome to our family, so glad you could join us.

Please do read thru the many threads for lots of useful information and do ask questions and we will help you in any way we can.

We would love to see some pictures of Sunny if you want to share some with us besides the ones you put in another thread, she is a lovely grey.

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