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Maggie turned one!

Chris and Matt

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Man oh man, life has been quite busy! With the recent tornadoes that blew through Alabama, working, school, kids, animals, etc etc life has gotten hectic. Maggie's hatch day was last month and we totally forgot! (Not that she minds much I'm sure).

Maggie's finally molting. She made this very apparent to me yesterday when she bit me, quite hard. It was the first time she's ever drawn blood! She certainly got her point across though, she wasn't too keen on our visitors near her cage.

She has gotten better about socializing with other people. There are still people she wants absolutely nothing to do with but she has allowed some of our friends and even our 11 year old to hold her, so we're making progress. All progress is being made on her time schedule of course, we're not forcing anything (although treat bribery certainly helps).

She has also learned to say a few things, she's still very big on the whistles, clicks and pops. I hear her mumbling stuff in her cage too but nothing that's intelligible. She says "Guinness" (which is the dog's name), "Chris", "Gimme kiss" which she follows by a kissy noise, "Come here", "Whatcha doin", "hello" in a strange voice I don't recognize, and "chirp chirp". The chirp chirp is probably one of our favorites. Every morning when I come downstairs after getting ready for work she would chirp at me. I usually mimic her noises back to her (who's the parrot now?) but I can't very well chirp, so I would just say the word chirp. Everyone thinks it's hilarious.

We had to go out of town for nearly a week and I was really worried about her. We had a friend stay at the house to take care of her. The first couple days went alright and then she started getting very upset and wouldn't let him near her cage. She bit him when he was feeding her, she was most unhappy. Towards the end he broke out some crackers and bribed her and was able to pet her and hold her again. I noticed when we got home she refused to speak to us for a few days. She would give us some whistles and let us hold her but for the most part she was really quiet. She warmed up after about 2 days, thankfully. I never though I'd get the cold shoulder from a bird!

As she's gotten bigger I've noticed some of her tail feathers are changing color. She has a lot more black in her tail than she ever did before. I have also noticed some red down near one of her feet, I'll have to try to get a picture of it when she's not so irritated.



Here's Bri holding Maggie for the first time since Maggie was just a baby

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Happy Belated Hatchday Maggie, I am sure she didn't notice that you didn't remember but you had a lot going on, she does look good there with Bri.

Sometimes they can get mad at us when we leave them for a few days but all is forgiven now.

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You and have quite a lot similarities! First, our big giant pooch is also Guinness! He and Took, our CAG, have a love/fear relationship. They'll snuggle for 1 sec then Took will bite and G will run away. Your Maggie and my Took sound pretty similar, she has the poeple she loves and other she wants nothing to do with it at all. Also, I "cheep" back to Took, because I don't chirp either-- lol, I just talk "cheep, cheep" back and thus we converse! Very similar!! Took's not taking yet, she's 9 months and doesn't seem to be inclined towards it anytime soon but we're good cheeping.


Happy belated birthday!

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You and have quite a lot similarities! First, our big giant pooch is also Guinness! He and Took, our CAG, have a love/fear relationship. They'll snuggle for 1 sec then Took will bite and G will run away. Your Maggie and my Took sound pretty similar, she has the poeple she loves and other she wants nothing to do with it at all. Also, I "cheep" back to Took, because I don't chirp either-- lol, I just talk "cheep, cheep" back and thus we converse! Very similar!! Took's not taking yet, she's 9 months and doesn't seem to be inclined towards it anytime soon but we're good cheeping.


Happy belated birthday!


Maggie and Guinness definitely have an interesting relationship. If Maggie hops off of her cage and goes for a stroll around the house, we don't encourage this but sometimes it happens, Guinness will walk with her like a body guard making sure she's alright. Maggie will get on the bottom of her boing and call Guinness close enough so she can get a big beakfull of Guinness' fur and give a good tug. Maggie loves to swing! Guinness always looks mildly irritated but it's hilarious. Maggie has given both of the dogs a little nip on the nose to keep them in their places. Neither of the dogs will go within beak proximity unless they have to, lol

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