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Lost our Little Lovey Quaker Parakeet


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Jimpster suddenly flew out the garage door on Friday and he just kept flying. I was gone when it happened, and I know Jimpster has never done anything like this before. My husband is very upset, but I do not blame him as it could just as easily have happened to me. Larry spent hours outside calling him. He even put his cage outside to see if he would come back. He didn't. Larry never heard him or saw him after that. I have listed Jimpster missing in Craigslist. We have a good population of hawks in the neighborhood, and I am pretty sure they made a quick meal out of him. I am very upset because he was such a little love bug. He pretty much hung out on my or Larry's shoulder, preened our hair, or nibbled our ears. Is there anything else we can do?

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Aww, I'm very sorry. I worry about Oboe doing that too. We're careful, but he's so fast. Don't assume the worst - a budgie once flew INTO my house through an open balcony door. I never did find his owners, so he got to stay. Put up signs, contact your local animal shelter, and place notices on your local Craigslist, Kijiji and other free online services. Good luck!

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Oh, no! Poor Jimpster!!! :(


I am so sorry to hear this... I agree though, you can't give up hope yet, I've heard stories where parrots are reunited with their owners months after the fact. But if it was Beaker, I know I'd be a mess right now, myself. Maybe put up flyers in a nearby park or something, you'd be surprised how much the little kids can notice when they're out and about, maybe someone can give you a tip that way? And I know Jimpster seemed to have a love/hate relationship with your Brutus, but I know before you've mentioned taking Brutus to an outside cafe or something for socialization. Maybe take Brutus outside and walk around and talk loudly with him, interspersed with calls for Jimpster. If he's nearby, maybe he'll try to get closer to his flock and you can collect him up and bring him safely home that way.


We have lots of hawks in our area too, but I wouldn't give up home just yet. Please know we're thinking of you all right now...

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Very sorry to hear about Jimpster! But like everyone's said, don't give up. If you haven't already, you might post on any other bird boards, especially the quaker forums and 911 Parrot Alert http://www.911parrotalert.com/


It's extremely congested with predators & raptors here, also. But escapees have still started a few ferel Quaker colonies. They're tough, smart & quick little guys. So, Jimpster might just have a lot better odds than you'd think!


After they take off in all that excitement, lots of times escaped birds can't find their way home. You might also try putting Brutus outside or near the windows. On the off chance Jimpster might hear Brutus & get his bearings. You did say they have a love/hate relationship, but they're still flock mates & it maybe it will help.

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GOOD NEWS! UNBELIEVABLE NEWS! A vet tech found him two days later and posted, as such, with local vets and bird stores. I visited one of the bird stores and they already knew about Jimpster's disappearance. I called the kind lady and went and picked Jimpster up. She was sorry to see him go as he is such a little cuddle bug! We are so happy to have him back--safe and sound! Thank you for your thoughts and advice. This is truly remarkable!

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