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20 old parrot has quit talking


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Tumba, our 20 yr old Grey has talked since he was a baby until about 6 wks ago. We took him to our local vet who felt he didin't have enough experience and referred us to an Avian Vet. The Avian vet ran blood tests after finding nothing wrong in his exam. The blood tests showed not problem, so we are stumped. He does sleep more than he used to, but eats well and plays with his toys. I have changed toys and added new ones, moved his cage to a sunnier spot since it has been a long gloomy winter, but he still has not said more than a couple of words in the last 6 weeks. I sure would appreciate any ideas or info anyone out there might have.

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Good for you, starting with the vet. At least now you know it's nothing medical (or at least nothing obviously medical). Have you tried asking him what's the matter? (Okay, that was a joke, but I'm sorry...I know it's not a joking matter.) How about doing something that will give him something to talk about? Maybe take him for a ride in the car, go to the beach or the forest. Maybe he's just got a case of the doldrums.

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Did anything out of the ordinary happen around the time that you think your Tumba stopped speaking? Maybe it seemed insignificant at the time, but perhaps it depressed him or something and he hasn't been able to deal with it properly yet... Just a thought, I'm just sorry he's acting so unusual right now, I'm sure it's a concern for you.

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Thanks for the ideas. We did ask him. He didn't answer.. He was driving us crazy asking for grapes all day and night. We gave him 2 or 3 a day and then he didn't want them anymore so we stopped giving them to him. Other than that, I can't think of anything different in his environment. We have 2 greyhounds and a boxer/lab mix and he used to throw food to them and call them. He can tell which is which and used to give them orders all day. Now he eats the food himself. He watches the dogs, but doesn't call them anymore. Really weird.

Edited by roseepting
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That is really strange. It must feel so strange around your home having him behave so unusually. I know if Biscotti stopped talking I would be totally freaked & he is only two!

Did the avian vet have any other suggestions? Maybe an x-ray or something? I know you are very concerned, I hope he is just having a silent period & returns to his normal self very soon!

Welcome to the forums, I hope you will continue to post - you must have a lot of experience & stories to share having owned a grey for 20 years!

P.S. I am also a grey & dog lover from Stanislaus County!!

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A change in behavior that abrupt after 20 years of chattering away sure rings alarm bells.


Is the lack of speech and feeding the dogs the only things differrent that you have noticed?


Does he readily accept new toys and his cage being moved? If not I would put things back as they were before this incident just to make sure insult has not been added to injury.


I certainly hope he becomes himself once again soon

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We haven't been able to pin point a specific reason for the behavior. We had moved him away from the sliding door to a darker spot in front of another window on the same wall. That didn't change anything immediately, but I moved him back a few weeks ago thinking he might want more light during this grey winter and spring. He never readily accepted new toys, but always checks them out carefully. He has started playing with one. He really acts the same except for more sleeping and no talking. He watches the dogs and the birds outside and makes a few high-pitched noises. I really am stumped.

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Thanks for your concern. How funny that you are also in Stanislaus County. Tumba is alert and seems interested in the dogs and the outside birds. He eats and drinks well. The Avian vet did say he would call this week and see how thing were going. Hopefully he will have some new ideas.

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Tumba is really more interested this weekend because my grandsons are here, I think. I have been holding me more since he isn't biting me like he used to and he and I have great clucking conversations. I almost wonder, since we never had him sexed, if he is a she. When I hold him/her, he lowers his feathers like he is covering me up with them. Maybe it is Spring and there is some nesting desire. Still no talking, but he eats well and is alert. We walked around the house and looked at things, but it is hard because the Greyhounds want to get at him. They are very prey driven, so I have to be careful. The dogs will stay down and walk next to us, but I can't trust them and look away. Thanks for checking and hopefully this will work out.

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  • 4 weeks later...

We took Tumba back to the Avian vet yesterday. His beak looked broken and his tongue was sticking out. The vet checked carefully and discovered a growth on one side of his neck that was pushing his beak to one side. This all happened withing the month since the first visit. We left him there and the x-rayed this morning and said the mass was involving the bones in his neck and trachea. No wonder he couldn't talk. They are pretty sure it is cancer but did a biopsy and will start him on antibiotics and pain killers hoping it is an infection until the biopsy results are in. Most likely, we will have to put him down soon, but want to be sure that there is nothing we can do before we decide. Thank you all for your help and support.

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So sorry to hear this Rose. I have been wondering how Tumba was doing, we really appreciate the update. No wonder he didn't feel like talking. I am hoping that it is an infection, & he will heal. Thoughts & prayers are with you & Tumba. Please keep us posted.

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Aww, poor Tumba. At least you know there's a reason he stopped talking, and you can stop wondering. Thank you for coming back and telling us...I've wondered a number of times if he ever started talking again or if you ever found how why he stopped.


I hope his cancer - if that's what it turns out to be - can be treated. Or, if not, that he can be made comfortable so you can spend some more time together before he has to go.

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I brought Tumba home yesterday and he is eating well and climbing around and alert. He didn't climb much before. It must have hurt with his beak pushed to the side. It looks more centered now and the swelling is going down on the neck. He is on anti- inflammatory meds and pain meds. I was really worried about how to give those, but the vet tech gave me some pointers and he is taking them readily on wheat thins. The vet said to give him anything he would eat at this point. He still isn't crazy about fruit, but is trying some new things. I worried he wouldn't be able to crunch the pretty bird, but he is eating it up. He doesn't like melon or yogurt or peanut butter.


The bad part is that nothing grew in the culture so we expect the biopsy to be positive. The vet said if we know what kind of cancer, we can get a better idea of how to treat it and how much time he has. Thank you all for your prayers and kind wishes. It helps to have some support. Most people think we are nuts to be spending this much money and emotion on a bird.

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I am so sorry to hear that distressing news about Tumba. :( But at least he must be very relieved to be back home with you now, and I hope that however much time you still have together--whether it be just a few precious months or many, many wonderful years--that your days together are happy and bright and full of love. Thinking of you...

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Thank you for the update Rose. I bet Tumba is really glad to be home and that is good news that he is eating well. Please let us know when you get the biopsy results. All of us here understand how important our little grey friends are to us, and like you we would do all we could to keep them happy & healthy. I hope Tumba continues to feel better, he is lucky to have you!

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