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Hahaha...Oh Lollie girl


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Today I was sitting on my bed and she was about 2ft away on her playstand and she was happily preening. All of a sudden she started squawking and freaking out. I jumped up and ran over to her thinking she got stung by something or some other awful event when I noticed one of the downy feathers stuck just above her eye LOL. I removed it and all was well again and she went back to preening. Just thought I would share, it had me laughing!

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Cleo believes all feathers must be attacked. Floating downy feathers get screamed and bitten at. If a larger feather comes out when grooming, she holds it in her foot, shakes it all over the place (often so violently she falls off her perch and ends up upside down) and screams at it. She doesn't appear to have the sense to just let go of this menace feather, instead will keep shaking it and screaming at it.

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Oh that Lollie. That is a pretty picture on your signature and her avatar is sweet too. Imagine what is going on in her little head. OMG, something is ON me, get it off, get it off! It's a feather? OMG, I am going bald! Oh, that is what is supposed to happen when I preen? Oh, good, never mind. LOL Lollie

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