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Pictures Of Our Flock

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Okay, I'm hoping this works... yesterday the boys modeled so nicely for the camera that this morning I'm finally "biting the bullet" and just created a Photobucket account in the hopes of sharing some of my pictures here. Captions for each photograph should be beneath each one...




This is probably my favorite 'group shot' that I took yesterday: Tybalt, the Indian Ringneck, is up on the treat cup; Beaker, the Quaker parrot, is on the main arm of the grapevine; and little Bunsen, the Lutino cockatiel, is down on the bars of the cagetop. Tybalt is still very 'wild' around my husband and myself but when he's near the other parrots, he's really a charmer. Beaker is apparently mellowing to the idea of a "BFF" because he's not nearly as aggressive with Tybalt anymore as he was in the beginning...




Here is another picture of them all on Tybalt's cagetop area. You can get a better idea of the length of Tybalt's lovely tail in this one.




Somehow I took a picture of Tybalt yawning!!




While the 'little boys' played together on Tybalt's cage, Marcus was hanging out on his playgym. This isn't the best photograph of him I've ever taken, it's actually a little blurry, but I just love it because he looks so happy in it! He had just finished scaling up the ladder of his playgym and was apparently very pleased with his accomplishment.


Hopefully all of these images will come through (and not too big, I'm still figuring out the ins and outs of Photobucket!) but I hope everyone enjoys them for what they are, for now. :)

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