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A Mate For My Grey?


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First, i apologize if there's already a thread to discuss this.

I have a wild-caught Grey who's around 5 years old. Don't know the sex, don't know the axact age but the visual estimations say he's likely to be under 5 years old.

We get along very well, he's flighted, seems to be happy and really loves me but the fact that i've sentensed him to a life-long imprisonmet has always bothered me from the very first day....I bought him the biggest cage i could find and whenever i'm home, he's out. Have also made my room bird-safe so he can enjoy hours of outside-the-cage time daily...

He dosen't seem to be mature yet and have never been hormonal but i've been seriously thinkig about getting him a partner. After all, since they are very social creatures it'll definately make him happy and i know our relationship will weaken and so on but all i want is to... Let's say: ease my feeling of guilt, put it straight forward!


Now, the problem is, How?

That's how i've been told to plan: Take him to a pet shop and let him choose or bring birds home to see if they get along.

This is awkward, i know...But remember: I have no chance of getting a captive-breed grey, they're all wild-caught and therefore not even sexed!!

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I can't give advice on choosing a mate or a friend for your bird. There are others here with multiple greys that might have more advice about that. But I will say that I don't think you should feel compelled to provide a mate for your bird. It sounds like he is doing very well with your companionship.

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I personally don't think he needs a mate, he has you for companionship, he doesn't need a mate to be happy and live a full life. I certainly wouldn't take him to a pet shop to choose a mate as you don't know what kind of diseases or bacteria your bird might come in contact with. Since your bird has been kept as a pet so far it is best he be left as a companion bird and not a breeder. My opinion, take it or leave it.

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Thank you Birdnut and judygram, That's appreciated.

Yes, he currently IS happy and doing just fine. I actually though having a partner of his own kind would make things better for him.

I, by no means, want him take part in any kind of breeding program (there's none after all). What i said about the petshop thing was that after i find that ONE bird for him, buy the second and bring them both home. However your point, Judygram, about deseases is absolutely right since as i said those poor birds are all wild-cut and thus...Who knows what they might carry....

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I agree with all the others have written. There is a big chance that your bird won't enjoy a mate. I have 2 greys, and although they co-exist fine in the same house, they don't want anything to do with each other. They both mind their own business and prefer the company of us instead of each other. Your grey may resent you bringing in another bird and become more destructive in your home.

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