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My name is Bernadette Mustee, I'm 22 and from Fort Myers FL. I have a 6 month old African Grey Congo that I have had sense he was about 8 weeks old. I've always loved birds and got my first set of finches about 3 or 4 years ago...ever sense I've been the crazy bird lady. I'm hoping that I'll be able to get some tips and tricks from all you Grey lovers here.

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Welcome to the family, Bernadette, glad you joined us here and we look forward to hearing more about your grey. What is your grey's name?


I started out with finches also, a gift from my son one year for Christmas, and I was hooked. Then I got a sun conure and finally a grey, a CAG.


You are not crazy because if you are then we here all are too, we love our birds and the grey is the most magnificent one of them all.


If you have a picture you would like to post please do so, we love to look at each other's greys and admire them.


If you have any specific questions please feel free to ask us anything, we will do our best to get you an answer as quickly as possible.:)

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Thats so funny...finches and a Sun is how I ended up with my CAG. I started with a single set of Zebras, and now I have a set of Owls and Stars. The Sun Conure unfortunatly had to be adopted out. He lives with a very nice couple on a farm now along with a flock of Ringnecks and Quakers. He was attacking my 18 year old cat without warning or reason and sense I've had that cat sense I was 4 she took precedence. I got my CAG not long after and he has been everything and more that I expected. There is one horrible thing though...I can't pick a name for the life of me!!! Everything I think of doesn't seem to fit him and knowing that I'm going to have him till I'm in a nursing home doesn't help. Any suggestions would really help me out. I'll have to get some new pictures of him on my computer...all I have a a few from when he was a baby on here now. His eyes are just starting to get lighter.

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Guest Monique

Hi Bernadette - it's great to meet you!! You've had your bird for 4 months and you don't know what to name him yet??? :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: Tell us about his personality. We'll help you. Poor little guy cannot stay nameless forever!!! :)


I hope you enjoy it here - we have lots of great caring people on this site with a good knowledge base as well. No such thing as a stupid question so post away and always feel free to PM me as well if I can be of help!!

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EVERYONE is hammering me over his name!!! I got to come up with something soon!!!


I've noticed that he has a real cruel sense of humor. One time I was working in the kitchen with him on a chair back and I slipped on a melted peace of ice he had thrown on the floor. I caught myself before cracking my a-- on the floor but all of a sudden I hear him behind me laughing and laughing! He also plays assassin with his stuffed animals. My boss told me one day he was walking past the cage leaving the room and saw him biting the throat of his stuffed rhino, and when he came back a few minutes later he said the bird was trying to berry the toy under the towel at the bottom of the cage...needless to say my boss now jokes that I should sleep with one eye open! I'll also catch him yelling at the finches. He'll watch them go from branch to branch in their flight cage and it almost seems like his trying to give them orders like they are his minions...this may be the beginning of a hostile take-over. :laugh: I've been thinking he should have a "bad guy" name…or a German name. My Sun’s name was Otto, so I was thinking something kind like that…a short, easy to say name that rolls off the tongue and sounds good when used in a scolding…not to say I yell at the bird, but if it don’t sound right when saying for example, “Otto…Drop it!” then it normally doesn’t seem right as a name. That’s part of my screening process. Anyone know any good German or bad guy names? P.S. – I’ve already looked through all the baby name sites at least three times now.

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Well hello Bernadette and welcome to the family, I had a chuckle reading your story about you almost falling and your grey laughing, now that's a grey for ya. How about cujo that sounds like a tough name :angry: . Well good luck with the name choice and again welcome.


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