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Check Ceiling hooks on hanging items for birds


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Yesterday afternoon, I was working in my office, Kim was home and Dayo was with her. I hear a loud crash, bang, bang, dink dink dink and of I course jump up asking Kim if she's ok. As I went down the hall and turned into the kitchen area, I see the wine rack laying on the counter beneath, chains and all toys, that Dayo claimed as HIS 4 years ago when we brought him home. Kim is fine and then my mind screams wheres Dayo? Fortunately, as it fell he flew away, so he was fine I concluded after checking him from head to talon.


From the constant push-offs and landings which caused the wine rack to sway back and forth, it had obviously over the years worked enough of the ceiling sheet rock away from the HUGE eye hook and it just slid straight down and out.


This wine rack was left in the home when we purchased it 6 years ago. I just assumed (shouldn't have) that it was mounted with an opening type device that when pushed through the sheet rock, the metal wings flip open and place themselves an inch and a half on each of the hole making it impossible to come lose. However it was not. It was simply screwed into the sheet rock.


At any rate, I thought I would pass this along. It is always good to just take a second and check for any play what so ever of all hooks you are suspending items from in the ceiling through sheet rock. I got it back up today and Dayo wants nothing to do with it. He will fly and land on counters or stands 5 or six feet away from it and just stare up at it. I suppose this inanimate object is going to half to be on it's best behavior to gain his trust again. :P


He would have been crushed if he was under that rack when it fell......


Photo of wine rack...



Edited by danmcq
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I know all about the check, check, check, thing. Corky will take apart the nuts and bolts that keep things together. She knows how to take the screws out that hold the latch on her cage door. She has found a way out of three differant cages all with differant lock set ups.

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Ahh yes, the crash to the floor. My male zon is a parrot that can't be still and he has brought down at least two or three hanging ceiling screws and these are anchored with those things. Since the last crash Louie as been a little more careful and nothing has come down..... well at least for a couple of months!!!!!! Thanks for the great and appreciated reminder Dan.

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Dan that was a close call and Dayo must have had an angel watching out over him as he was so lucky he didn't get crushed. I guess the people who installed the wine rack never imagined a bird would be swinging from it. Poor Dayo has lost his best perch for the time being but I would think that in time he will make amends with it and happy times will ensue again though he may never view it in the same light as he used to.

Thanks for the reminder to check those hanging things our fids play on to make sure they are anchored correctly.

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Having the boing that was suspended from the ceiling come down twice due to Dixie's love of hanging upside down from it and twisting violently attacking some toy attached to it, the boing is now suspended by an eye hook that was actually screwed into a wooden ceiling rafter. It didn't matter what type of hook I had used, I kept finding them slowly working their way out of the sheet rock. Glad that Dayo is ok, hope he will one day find trust in his once favored spot.



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It does look like the ideal thing for a parrot, doesn't it? I can't imagine someone installing a wine rack in the ceiling and not screwing it into the joists...those things get heavy when they're filled with bottles of wine!


Dayo must have good reflexes!

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