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Greys and Babies/Small children - Does it work? HELP!


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Hi everyone,


I was talking in another thread and some people raised a concern. My husband and I are really keen to buy a Grey soon. But we plan on having our first child in 2-3 years. Has anyone been in this situation before (having a newborn in the house along with 1 parrot)? How was it? Did it work? I see so many people having dogs and cats before they have kids. It seems to be fine. I've had both dogs and parrots before and I personally find dogs more hard work. But I'm not sure what I should do. :confused: Please help!

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Our kids were born into a house full of critters, dogs, cats, birds and fish. It is a good beginning to respecting animals as well as people. Use some common sense keeping eyes on all interactions. Encourage playtime as bird in cage kid on the outside sing & dance together, both enjoy having a book read to them or watching cartoons so it should all work out with you guidance. I have a friend who has two small kids and does large bird rescue in her home-she has a Blue & gold Macaw who tells the kids "Brush your teeth" with appropriate wing motions. Like anything else-good judgement and constant observation keeping those fingers safe and the flock safe too.

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Aww that was all I wanted to hear. I grew up with all sorts of animals in the house and I truly believe they helped me growing to be a compassionate and loving person. I definitely want my children to have that experience as well. Was just worried about newborns and a parrot in the same house being a bit too much. But I think with love, respect and patience everything is possible. Thanks for sharing! :D

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I think it can work too, as long as they're closely supervised. I have to supervise my cat with the parrots, to make sure nobody gets hurt, and I imagine you'd instinctively do the same with kids.


One note of caution, however: I see a lot of birds for sale on the used bird boards, and very often the reason for selling is "We just had a baby and we don't have time for the bird anymore."


Try to think very honestly about whether or not this will happen to your bird, and if you think it's likely, then don't get a bird. (Also...if you get a grey, then it might be going through the terrible twos around the time your baby arrives. Just something to think about.)

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Thanks for your advice! I truly believe it's unlikely I'd give my parrot up. I've never given a pet away. Once I had a dog that was very aggressive. My family didn't like him and wanted me to give him to someone else. I admit I considered it but I didn't go ahead. In fact I worked on him to make him behave better and I managed to get some progress. Unfortunately he got a terrible disease after 5 years and died. But I fought for him until the last minute.



What is the "terrible twos" you're referring to? Do Greys go through some sort of change after 2 years? Explain more, please! I'm still learning. :)

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I have a very jealous and spoiled TAG that pesters my re-homed zon to death if he tries to come to me. However, Ana Grey seems to know that my 2-year old grandson, who was born 3 months premature is very special to me. Ana Grey sits patiently when Lil Dino is over and never tries to come too close. She will sit on the back of my rocker if I am rocking Lil Dino and just be as good as gold. We did have a talk, Ana Grey and I about little Dino and as you have heard greys are very intelligent, I believe she understands that Lil Dino is off limits. What I am saying is..... It depends on the parrot/bird and the relationship you have with them. I do know that this might be a great thing for your hubby if he likes parrots as he would be able to interact one-on-one if your grey in the months and years that Mom is too busy with the new baby. I didn't get my parrots until my children were grown and had their own lives, my parrots are a comfort and a blessing for a senior citizen who would be all alone without her little babies.

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Dogs & Cats can't be compared to parrots in my opinion. Parrots require way more attention than other pets. I have had just about every pet you can imagine, and I too never got rid of one, it was in its forever home with me until the end of their life. It has been my experience that a parrot really needs your attention, no different than a child, and yes, they do get jealous and territorial towards their favorite person when they feel threatened by another.


As for the terrible two's.......2 of my parrots went thru it, just like having a 2 year old child. My amazon is going thru her terrible two's as we speak, she turned 2 in April. I can't take my eye off her, or she's into trouble, plus a tantrum of independence and doing what she wants WHEN she wants. :(


I am sure their are owners out there that have done both, parrots and babies, I couldn't due to the fact that I am the type of person who wants to give all of myself to my loved ones, and would feel stressed and torn trying to give both my young children and parrots the love, patience & attention that I feel they deserve. It's a personal decision for me. Thank goodness I have 4 children older and don't have to face the decision you are making, I would WANT that bird so badly, and not knowing what life with a parrot is like first-hand, I would make the choice to get a bird. Knowing what I know NOW, in hindsight, I wouldn't.


Best of luck to you & your husband in your decision. I am sure you will do what is right for you.

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Morning all! :)


Today I come with another question... Do you ever take your parrots on small car trips? I'm asking because we visit my husband's family in a town nearby roughly once every two months. Sometimes we go for the day only and in those days I'd leave the parrot home. But in occasions like Xmas we spend a few more days there and then I'd have to take him with us. Do they cope with it alright? Does anyone know?


Thanks. x

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I too am of the opinion that since you are young you have plenty of time to have parrots in your life for like I stated in another post we have seen so many owners give their greys up when a new baby comes especially when its the first baby because they realize they can't handle both, you don't really know what you are getting into until you become a parent and since you can wait I highly recommend you put this off a few years.

To answer your last question yes you can take your parrot on road trips as I do that myself with my grey, she goes with me when I go to visit my son who lives out of state, it is about a 4 hour drive and she rides very well, she sits on her perch in her travel cage and chats, plays with her bell and enjoys the time spent traveling. She stays in that travel cage for the time we are there with some time out of the cage and she loves being with me, she also comes with me to work occasionally to get a little more one on one time with me.

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Thanks for your advice and comment about the car trip.


Found this article that's quite interesting... https://www.birdsupplies.com/Articles.asp?ID=182


"Undeniably, children and pets have been happily mixing it up for generations but introducing a jealous, sometimes nippy and often moody parrot to a new child requires planning. Many people sadly choose to relinquish their parrot to a new home.


STOP! No need to go there!


Your bond with your parrot can bring you a sense of peace when you are stressed with the responsibilities of a new baby".

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we've taken Keywe on out of state vacations and brought along a smaller travel cage and she loved it. we also have two kids.. 2 years old and 3 months old, and the older knows not to touch her. We keep a gate up in the "birdroom" doorway so that there aren't any accidents. Sydney LOVES to watch Keywe and Keywe doesn't seem to mind her, as long as I pay attention to her too! They can be jealous!

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Well we did it the other way round, had our little girl then a few months later we got Murphy our baby grey. Do I have any regrets.....................none what so ever! They both live happily side by side since the very first days with no issues at all, we also have two cats & a large German Shepard dog. As grey wings has said the little children grow up with a respect for the animals in the household just as they do for humans. Murphy & Ella-Rose our Daughter live together in harmony, they don't bother too much with each other & have grown up together like siblings. Murphy sometimes dances for her to make her laugh & in turn she wants to give him a tickle. All in all I'm very happy with the way things have turned out in our household.


The big questions you have to ask is to yourself. Can you deal with a baby grey & a baby boy or girl? Most people will know the answer straight away, for some people it may be too much for others like us we made the decision & stuck with it, with no regrets. What I will say was Murphy was harder work in the first year than Ella-Rose would you believe, baby greys can be hard work in my experience. Now Murphy is 18 months old he is a lot more independent & can enjoy his own company for longer periods of time.

So if you plan on getting a baby grey then some children a year or two later it should work out just fine, the grey will have grown up a little & become more independent leaving you with more time to shower on your newborn.


So in my opinion, yes you can have a grey & a newborn baby but like I said it all depends on the type of person you are.


Good luck with your decision, any more questions, just shoot!

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I truly believe I can deal with it. The thing is some people were so negative towards the topic I wanted to hear how was the experience for those who have gone through the same situation. I am prepared for the responsibility. And when we have babies, which we plan for 2-3 years only, hopefully he will be more independent and easier to deal with. Thanks. x

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I truly believe I can deal with it. The thing is some people were so negative towards the topic I wanted to hear how was the experience for those who have gone through the same situation. I am prepared for the responsibility. And when we have babies, which we plan for 2-3 years only, hopefully he will be more independent and easier to deal with. Thanks. x


Well then, if you truly believe in your heart of hearts that this is the right thing to do for you & your partner then go for it. I wish you all the best of luck & stay on this forum, it is a great place & has helped me through some tough times with Murphy. Go read some of my old topics to get an idea of what you might have to deal with along the way. It isn't all plain sailing for some but well worth it in the end.

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When my young grandson is over, my grey is very respectful of his space and knows that he is off limits. It all depends on how you introduce babies and birds. From the start, Ana Grey was show little Dino's role in the family and her role. When Lil Dino is napping or sleeping Ana Grey gets lots of attention and she is satisfied.

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