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Here's some more Eva pics from this morning.


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Here's she's stretching her pretty wings.



Pineapple Beak! Her new favorite treat!


I had a great visit this morning. Eva for the first time stepped onto my finger out of the cage! She'll be 8 weeks Saturday and is getting big so quick. She was very cute today with her new favorite game I'm gonna call the step up game. She stands on one hand and waves her foot trying to say "step up step up!", so I'll say step up and pick her up with the other hand and she repeats it there. It's pretty funny I think she just likes hearing me say step up.


She also broke my heart today...when I tried to put her back in her cage to go after about an hour and a half visit, she cried and cried and wouldn't let go of my hand to step down. When I finally got her off she climbed up the cage and tried to say her "step up step up". It really broke my heart to leave her there. I'll be going back tomorrow morning to see her. I can't wait to take her home, I feel so guilty whenever I leave her after our visits. :(

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Awww, what a pretty girl! I understand that heartbreak. I'm waiting on my 8 week old CAG baby, Mojo, to be ready to come home. He has started recognizing me when I come in to visit and cries when I leave. So hard to wait!!!! Thanks for sharing the pics, she is beautiful!



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I can't wait to take her home, I feel so guilty

whenever I leave her after our visits.


I know the heartache but it will be soon and then you two can spend all the time you want together, its good she is bonding to you already as most don't until after the homecoming so you are getting a head start.

She is adorable from the pics you shared with us and keep them coming for we love them.

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