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Im the lucky one to have found such a wonderful forum... Sherry baby was being raised by her parents and siblings, and someone was biting her feet. shes missing 3 nails, and doesnt like to step up yet. She still growls at me, but I can handle her and I love to hold her to try to make her my sweetheart. Im devouring all the knowledge you all have to offer.

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Hello Cupid and welcome to our family, how nice you could join us and we look forward to hearing lots more about you, Cupid and Sherry baby.

Thats too bad about Sherry's toes but please do not put any more hydrogen peroxide on them, try some aloe vera jel instead, one of our more knowledgeable members has cautioned about using that on birds, it escapes me right now as to why but if he says not to use it then I don't question his judgment.

They are both adorable greys but Sherry is not a 6 month old grey, she is more like several years old from the color of her eyes, if she was only 6 months old her eyes would be more gray color and not yellow.

You don't say how long you have had either but if its only been a short while then you will have to allow enough time for them to get used to their new homes, to settle in and feel comfortable, greys are very cautious creatures and their trust has to be earned.

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Thank you for the tip of the aloe, I will trust you and change what i am doing now. I recently got Sherry baby, and I am very sad to read your thoughts on her age. I guess I was conned into thinking I had gotten a 6 month old chick. Her tail feathers must have been cut to make her seem younger too, as they are very short. I doesnt matter, I will still show her all the love I can, and be the best companion I can be for her.

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I didn't mention the tail feathers but noticed they were very short, thats dishonest to tell you she was a baby but I know a baby grey when I see one and Sherry is not a baby.

Deeds done now and I can tell you are smitten with her, of course you will show her all the love you have and adore her just as much as if she were a baby, its just so deceitful of people to take advantage of a newbie to pass off a grey missing a few toes, most people wouldn't want an imperfect bird. I imagine she gets around well with her handicap and has she been checked out by an avian vet?

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Don't be ashamed, you didn't know but you do now and most of us here take our greys to see an avian vet about once a year, blood work is done and if anything is amiss then it can be corrected, call it a wellness check and then your vet will have a baseline to compare to the next visit or when an illness or emergency occurs, we always hope that never happens but it can and does happen.

I look forward to seeing some pictures of her missing talons but that probably happened while she was still in the nest and it should have healed over a long time ago so their is no need to put anything on it unless it is reddened or appears sore, again a vet visit is in order.

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I have an update my friends. Thanks to Judygram, I seriously confronted the person who sold me Sherry baby, and she was hesitant at first, but eventually decided to be honest and tell me that she scammed me. I sadly returned both the birds, and got my money back. I had only had them (*she also told me she knew it was a male before she sold it) for about a week. The good news is that I began my search for my forever bird.


Turns out that there was a senior citizen in a town 3 hours away who was selling her beloved CAG because she was traveling more and more and that she wasnt spending enough time with it. I called and had long conversations with her about her bird for four days. I was extremely worried about traveling so far and possibly getting myself into another problem, so I proceeded with much caution. She told me that she owned "Aristotle" for about 5 years. She had got it from a co-worker before she retired.


She informed me that The bird was semi-tame, but loved to whistle, sing and dance. Since it was only her and her 18 year old granddaughter that came to visit once in a while she wanted a better home for Aristotle. She asked me a lot of questions about myself and my family. That made me feel a lot better because she was truly concerned about where her "baby" was going to end up. The price was right too, it was exactly the money I was returned, so I had a lot to think about.


I pondered about what I was going to do since I didnt want this to be another impulse buy, and I didnt want to get hurt again. I felt a bit obsessed to tell you the truth. After I got the green light from my wife, I set out on my journey to go bring Aristotle home. When I finally got there the lady had everything nice and clean for me. She included Aristotles large cage, a large playstand, a garbage bag FULL of toys and two big containers of the food she would feed him. I honestly filled up the truck with bird stuff!!!

The lady and her granddaughter both were crying as I began loaded up everything, and the bird had began to pluck his chest since she had taken it to get the wings clipped the day before. He was angry at the granddaughter and gave her a nice big bite GOODBYE she had also made me promise to make sure I provided a great home for Aristotle.

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Congrats on your addition of Aristotle, even though he may not be as tame as you would like I am sure he will warm up to you in time, just be patient with him and let him set the pace of when he allows any touching or interaction.

I am a little upset that they had his wings clipped, had they been keeping them clipped or was this a one time thing? They should never have done that and I hope he doesn't continue to pluck or has the bird been plucking all along and they clipped the wings to give you an excuse for the plucking. Hmm, makes me wonder just what is going on here, hope you can get to the bottom of it.

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So after getting Aristotle in my carrier, they said thier finaly goodbyes and we were on our way. We stopped at a fast food chain called Chik-Fil-A and I shared carrots and peas from my soup. Big peices of lettuce from my sandwich and Aristotle, who was whistling up a storm, seemed pretty happy. I got home real late and only brought down his cage and went to bed. In the morning, I was happy to see him and after looking him over real good, I THINK that he is a she. He has been whistling the complete andy griffiths theme song, told me "Goodbye" when I was leaving to work, and has NOT bit me once. Aristotle steps up and loves to join me in the shower. Ive had him for about a week and I am proud to say that I am in love!!! I bought a spray that helps moisturize the skin and helps with molting, as I see a lot of the little white feathers everymorning. I switched up his diet because the previous owner would feed him cockatiel food. He has a constant supply of the pellets, I feed him fruits and veggies, he loves greens... My two year old daughter keeps calling him Sherry baby, but hes a happy bird. Ive applied a lot of the tips Ive read already such as introducing him to everyone, and giving him the grand tour of the house and yard. Check out these pictures, and I'd be grateful to any feedback or advice.




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Thanks for your quick reply Judy, I knew I could count on you! She told me that it had been a while, but she would clip them regularly. The only diffrence was that the person at the shop had taken him away to clip them, and he was panicked about the towel. (He hates toweling as from what I can tell)



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The plucking isnt bad, its a small spot, ill get a picture tonight when I get home. If you look at the first pic, you can see white spots on his top right (chest) corner, that is where hes plucked a little. The only problem, that I think it may be a problem, is the he shakes/twitches his head once in a while. It doesnt look normal to me. I see a lot of dander so Im assuming he itchy?

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He is a handsome fella from the pictures you shared and that is not much of a place he has plucked, maybe being in a new environment he will stop but only time will tell, if I were you I wouldn't clip his wings any longer, allow them to grow out and let him fly.

Yes if he is molting he is itchy and frequent baths will help with that, you can also use aloe vera juice to mist him, it is soothing to his skin and will help moisturize the skin.

They all will shake or twitch their head from time to time, sometimes it just serves the purpose of realigning some feathers or an errant feather on the head or close to the cere will cause them to do that.

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