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my grey is dying..... need help....

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hi.. i m raj from dubai, i bought a grey 3 weeks back, and he become part of the family immediately.. infact i started going home early just for him... but since yesterday he started to sit like that without shouting..(his favorite time pass) and wont eat, took him to a vet, and they give 2 injections (on legs).

and the chances are 20%.. as of today, he is still alert and i m hand feeding him with crushed apple and honey.. he eats .. but now he cant use his legs. as if completely paralyzed, is it coz, of the injections???

hes is very alert but no shouting or chirping, but making a toungue clicking noise once in a while...

some body can guide me.. i cant think of losing him.. please advice the food and medication, as in dubai, i couldnt find a right vet yet...

please.. waiting for some friends out there to respond.. raj@smartsolutionsae.com

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This is very upsetting did they tell you what they think is wrong? An infection, an injury toxicity? You have our support during this most difficult time and getting medical help is the best thing but honey may not be the best choice I would use some fresh coconut juice, some nut better or some warm mash.

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I am so sorry to hear of this and I know you have limited access to avian vets but that is exactly what you need right now as this bird sounds very sick, if he has lost the use of his legs I am afraid it is already too late to save him but please try, do whatever you have to, please keep us informed and I will keep you and your grey in my thoughts and prayers.

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I am so sorry for you and your little one. We lived in Dubai a few years ago and while I have heard there is a new avian vet, someone once recommended checking with a falconry to see if they have a vet who sees their birds. Call everyone you can think of since your weekend is starting it will be a harder time finding someone to help. Bless you in your time of need.

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Thank you friends, with deep sorrow, he died 2 days bak, we tried everything possible,

Not ready to take another one yet, but to my children I told, he is in a vet hospital

Under treatment...

If anybody can suggest a safe place to get a healthy bird, It will greatly appreciated (in UAE)



Thank you again


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So sorry to hear about your beloved grey. I believe there was another fellow just a short while ago who's grey got very sick and also passed away in Dubai-- Before you bring another into your house and love it, ask around about a virus going around in your area for greys or the possibilities of sick greys being sold there. I will try to find the link to other thread, it was in the Health Room.


Found it: http://www.greyforums.net/forums/showthread.php?192480-Grey-is-dying


And yes, this man is also from Dubai. Perhaps you want to contact him and find out what is going with the parrots in your area...Reconsider getting another grey at this time, there seems to be a deadly virus going around. I can't imagine going through that again.

Edited by munch
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I am so sorry you lost your grey but I feared the worst when you first posted but there was nothing we could do to help, I think there must be a virus or something going around your area and I would be very cautious about getting another one until more research is done.

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