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Baby advice?


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Hello! My name is Renee and Shadow is my new 4 month old CAG. Even though I thought I was prepared I feel so lost and am questioning everything!


Shadow has done wonderfully (I think). I brought her home 2 days ago and she has been very inquisitive from the start. She hasn't acted overly frightened even though we are a busy household with 2 teenagers, a 4 year old, and furry pets.


She prefers to be out of her cage, will scratch at her door and chirp when she wants out. She has been eating her food that the breeder sent home with her but I can't get her to eat her fresh veggies or even fruit!


She won't "step up" so I will work on that soon once she feels a bit more comfortable. I learned that she feels most comfortable being picked up with one hand under her and one hand over and then brought straight to my chest where she will nestle in. I can't hold her out without her flapping and getting scared. She has flapped to the ground many times from her play perch so I am afraid to leave the room for too long, I don't want her to get hurt or in trouble but I can't leave her in her cage! She with do flips at the door over and over and has gotten stuck. Earlier today her wing got stuck through the bars and I had to push it back in. My daughter said she got stuck again when I had left the house.


I am also wondering about her growling. It isn't a menacing growl but she does it all the time if you reach for her. She doesn't bite really and she will let you touch her for the most part but I am wondering why she is still growling so much? Is this normal or does she not like me?



Anyway, I am excited to be here and hope to get some advice from everyone and it will be greatly appreciated!

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Give Shadow time to settle in. She is in a new home new people new cage and she don`t know whats going on it`s all new to her.

Sit by her cage and talk to her and have a treat to give her if she comes over to you and let her ease in to your houshold. She needs time to adjust to her new surroundings.

She is young and she will come around.

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Ray is right Renee, you have to allow Shadow some time to settle into her new home, everything is new to her so she needs time to adjust to all the new changes, you will find that allowing plenty of time and lots of patience when dealing with a grey will serve you well.

Don't worry if she is turning her "nose" up at vegetables, keep offering them for they usually will try them eventually and offer them in different ways, raw, cooked, mashed, chopped and so forth to find a way that is more appealing to her, sometimes just like us they prefer a particular veggie a certain way.

The growling will subside very soon, just remember she doesn't really know you yet and a grey's trust has to be earned as it is not just given because you love them, my grey did a little growling when I first brought her home but it goes away, again just be patient with her. Greys are very cautious creatures and don't usually take to change very quickly but just let her set the pace and don't push her for more than she is willing to give at a particular moment.

Please take a little time to read thru some of the threads here as you will find lots of useful information and don't hesitate to ask questions and we will help you in any way we can.

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