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A Grey Poem


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A poem for my 2 little CAG's


Never get up till the sun gets up,

Or the mists will give you a cold,

And a parrot whose lungs have once been touched Will never live to be old.

Never eat plums that are not quite ripe,

For perhaps they will give you a pain:

And never dispute what the hornbill says,

Or you'll never dispute again.

Never despise the power of speech:

Learn every word as it comes,

For this is the pride of the parrot race,

That it speaks in a thousand tongues.

Never stay up when the sun goes down,

But sleep in your own home bed,

And if you've been good, as a parrot should,

You will dream that your tail is red.

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Thank you Judygram. Yes this was my 1st post although I joined the forum a while ago - do a morning check on the new posts!!! I have 2 CAG girls, Angie 9 months old and Josie just over 1 year. Actually Angie is my baby and Josie my Fiance's little girl, but I am the "overall" MOMMY. We do not have any "human" kids, these 2 keep us busy enough. Josie is the good one, calm, relaxed, easy going. Angie on the other hand is the terror, the funny one, attention seeking, fussy eater, and feather chewer. They both get equal attention but Angie is just the far more hyped one. She has been to the Vet, perfect condition and health but if attention is not given to her immediately when we arrive home - the chewing begins!!!! Oh dear, she has had me in a stress ball in the past!


Nice idea xxbeccxx, lets see how many Poets we have around here.

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Guest Monique

Oh I LOVE Your poem!!! :blush: Did you write it yourself? Two little girl Greys. How sweet! They do have such different personalities. Can you tell yours apart by looks at all. Do they ever trick you and pretend to be the other one .. LOL.


Look forward to hearing more from you!! ;)

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