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Hello everyone, my name is Paige though my login name is Chipper, obviously because that is the name of my CAG. I just got him 5 weeks ago and rescued him from an alcoholic binge drinker. He's 10 years old, and he's starting to show his personality, but he only says a few words, though he is beginning to occassionally use some of our frequently used words, like Hello, Bye Bye, Good Boy, etc. The other day I was cleaning his cage and as I got close to the end he blurted out, "Whew!" I've never said that so, he obviously already knew it. He knows a million sounds, but very few words. You can tell how he was treated because he uses "Shut Up" a lot. He's beginning to use it less than he did when he first got here. Thank God! But I'm beginning to wonder if they ever really talked "to" him, or maybe they just talked at or around him. All in all I'd say he maybe knows 7-10 words.

Shouldn't he know more? Anyway, I'm glad to be here among fellow lovers and look forward to meeting you. Have a blessed day! Paige Ps... I also have a 10 yr old Scottish Terrier named Becca and he's already mimmicking her sounds, and whenever I say Becca, he makes a run of her sounds. They seem to have made peace with each other.

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Welcome, Paige. Very glad to hear you rescued Chipper! I hope this is the beginning of a very long happy relationship for all of you.


Five weeks is still in the adjustment stage for a grey of that age. Especially if he's only belonged to the one home for that whole time. It doesn't sound like he's been treated too badly, because you haven't said anything about aggressive or scared behaviors. So, maybe you've just got to give Chipper a little more time to settle in. Then, he may start displaying a larger human vocabulary. In the meantime, grey sound effects are pretty entertaining, too. :cool: It's also a good sign because it means he's actively aware of his new home, but isn't trying to go unnoticed.


Chipper's saying "Shut up!" may stop entirely. After a while, Greys tend to stop using words they don't hear & don't get any response to.


Hope you find a lot of helpful info posted here. And if you have questions, stories or pictures, please post away!!

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Welcome to the forum Paige and Chipper. If he is talking to you this early on he is most likely relaxed and comfortable. If he is saying "shut up", it may be likely he wasn't encouraged to talk so he might know lots and lots of words and you may here more of them in the near future when he realizes you relish hearing him interact with you. Congrats on making a new friend with Chipper and thanks for joining us. It will be interesting to see where he takes you in your journey together.

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Hello Paige and welcome to our family, so glad you and Chipper could join us and super happy you could give him a good home.

He has only been with you for 5 weeks and in a grey's world that is not near enough time for him to be settled in and feeling at home, give him some more time and be patient with him and I imagine he will chatter more as time goes on. He has had a lot to deal with living with an alcoholic and who knows what kind of abuse he might have had to endure so be prepared for some unwelcome baggage to be unpacked.

He just may be a grey of few words, some chatter on and on and others just at times, I wouldn't worry about it and if he never utters another word he will still be an awesome creature to be enjoyed and loved.

Do read thru the many threads for lots of useful information and ask questions you may have and we will help you in any way we can.

We love pictures here so if you have some you would share with us that would be great.

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Welcome Paige and Chipper. I too am new around here due to adopting a soon to be 9 year old female CAG (June 18th, woo hoo) and the reading I've been doing here is great. It's nice to hear you adopted him from the situation he was in.

Although our family has only had the pleasure of having Annie for a very short time, (11 days thus far) she is coming around very nicely, and I am constantly noticing considerable advancement. I'm sure Chipper will show his real personality with time. That wall is slowing coming down, and you two will be good buddies in no time.

Again, welcome, and we would love to see pics!



Edited by Vumes
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