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Sully's new trick :) :)


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I'm a proud momma today!


Sully and I have been working on "can you dance?" for weeks. I've been trying to train him with any kind of goodie, but I couldn't find anything that he liked so much he would do a trick for...


Well, I found it! I know it's not healthy, but he LOVES fruit loops. So, I give him a teeny bit ( I probably get 5 or 6 "can you dance?"'s out of one fruit loop.) and he dances every time! I don't give him a treat everytime, but I always praise him...


He puffs his feathers out, and bobs his head up and down a few times :) So good :)


Anyway, does this kind of open the gate for more tricks? Now that he understands that he does something good and gets a treat? I hope so, because three weeks on "can you dance" nearly drove me nuts!:D

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Once a bird understands pleasing you and receiving praises in happy voice and a treat they love to top it off, they will certainly pay a ton more attention to what you are asking them to do. It also helps if you have an operating word (s) that equal "Pay attention and do".


They feel such a sense of accomplishment in doing something they believe that helps the flock and means they are useful, that they will continue to strive for that acknowledgment even without a treat. Just your happiness, good boys/girls etc. in an excited voice will create a feeling within them that they will do it over and over to feel that way again.


I would love to see a video of that dance. :)

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He is still a baby and is already catching on, I think you have a lot ahead to keep you being a proud mama. Seeing you happy makes him happy and it just keeps going round and round. Three weeks is a pretty good start, he will be moonwalking soon at that rate. LOL.

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