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Frankie has recently taken a liking to diving into my water glass and picking up the ice cubes. He then holds the cube in his foot and breaks it into a million tiny pieces...


Is this ok for him or is the ice too cold? don't want him getting birdie frostbite. Anyone else's grey like eating ice?



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I have these cute little ice cubes trays that are star shaped which just makes it even easier for mine to grip, Red LOVES ice cubes....


And if you wanna give your birds a healthy treat...


I take fresh squeezed organic carrot juice, and then add something fruity like orange or organic pineapple juice, then freeze it into birdie popsicles, mine go nuts for them, especially on these hotter days!

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Guest briansmum

i wish brian would play with ice cubes it would be such stimulating fun, unfortunately he doesn't like cold things. anything less than room temprature and its a no no for brian. strange bird.

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Guest briansmum

over here, cheap shops like pound shops (dollar stores) have things like that, they're one of those things that are everywhere but you don't notice them if you're not looking for them.


you could always use an empty chocolate box tray, they have some interesting shapes where the chocolates fit.

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Guest Monique

Ice .. interesting. My birdies have never played with ice. I don't know how well they can sense temperature. A baby bird will eat formula that burns their crop. I wouldn't think ice would be cold enough to hurt though ... ??

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Guest briansmum

a grown up birdie would know better than to play with ice if it hurt them. i gave brian some porridge the other day and it was a bit warm and he didnt touch it till it cooled. i think they figure it out as they get older

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