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Lollie already building a repertoire at 6 months!


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Lollie was 6 months on May 27th and has started talking and becoming clearer every day. Today she said "Whatcha doing Lollie" as clear as a bell when I walked into the room.(I tend to say that when I walk into the room!) She mutters things all the time that we can't quite catch but she has also said "What" "Step-up" and "Come here" several times. She likes to talk when I am distracted watching tv, doing the dishes etc. so I don't always catch it. She especially likes to talk in the morning when I am making her breakfast.


She cracks me up at night...when that girl is ready to go to bed she is ready to go to bed! We still use a sleeping cage. Its a 17x17 cage that the breeder gave me to take her home in. It is still in my closet except we've moved so its a smaller closet but she doesn't seem to mind. Usually sometime between 8:15 and 8:45 she figures out a way to tell me its time for bed....she has flown to the closet a couple of times. We have our bedtime routine. I put her in the cage and go get 2 "purple" pellets from her Zupreem(her favorite color, she always eats them first!) and then give her a drink of water. She usually eats and plays around the cage for about 5minutes and then gets up on her perch and is ready to be covered.


Found her a nice table top playgym on Craigslist. Got it for half the price! Had never been used, her bird was afraid of it! Lollie loves it! She has a ball playing and is quite the gymnast.


Well sorry to ramble on! That's life in Lollie's world. =)

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You can ramble any day, I love to read about Lollie. She sure is advanced. I love the bedtime routine. Gilbert asks to go to bed about eight every night too. I like that you use a roost cage too, we have gotten away from it after a remodel work in their sleep area, it is time to get back to it. Thanks for the reminder. She seems really outgoing and it is a big deal for her to take to her playstand right away. We have been working a couple of months on it and Gil is to the point of accepting it but gymnastics are a long time into the future. You have a really special girl, I think Judy is right, you have a little feathered prodigy.

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Our bedtime (hubby & I) is 10:00. Around 9 Roscoe goes to his food bowl & loads up his belly... Immediately after, he climbs down to the floor, walks over to my chair so i lay on the floor w/ him. I hold his "blanket" up & he crawls under it. He makes kiss sounds, rubs his head on my hand & I give him a few bites of banana. He comes out from under his blankie & holds his foot up for me to carry him back to his cage door. Sitting on his cage door, we turn off the lights & i go over & talk softly saying, "time to go to bed" "go in your cage". He rubs his head on my hand, makes smacky kiss noises & goes into his cage, clings on the side & i rub his toes while he says go to bed while he rubs his head on the bars w/ more kiss sounds. This has been going on for a few months EVERY NIGHT in exactly the same order & procedure !!! This is his bedtime ritual & he never changes it. I tell him what a good boy to go in his cage, I love him & go to bed.

He then relentistly starts telling my husband every 30 seconds "go to bed!"... We both walk into the bedroom & he never makes a peep until we get up in the am !!! Love him soooooooo much !!!

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