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Palm Nuts


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Okay, so the palm nuts arrived in the mail today. I soaked and rinsed them as directed and plopped two of them in the bowl on Marcus' playgym. He seemed initially curious, but not much beyond that, so I explained that they're food, a nut like an almond, and they're good for him. I even peeled one of them so he could see that there is a nut inside. Maybe it's because it's wet and fresh still, and the almonds in the shell that he gets are all dry, but Marcus seems to think it's a toy, he made me "play fetch" with him a few times with it until I told him again that it's a food. So, is this something I should just sit out and let him figure out on his own? I don't think we have a nutcracker anymore (should remedy that!) so I'm wondering, aside from smashing the thing, how I'd get the shell open to the nutmeat anyway. Any advice is appreciated with this scenario, thanks!

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  • 5 weeks later...
I can get the red palm oil, i cant find a post where it says what to pour it on? Pour on pellets? Fresh veggies? Both? hahaha


You can pretty much put it on anything you like, it does best to heat a little of it in the microwave and pour it over pellets, mix it in with beans, grains, rice, pasta or over warm cooked veggies, I have mixed it in a little oatmeal, just get out a small amount that you will be using and heat it to make it runny.

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I will be watching to see what happens. We have not been introduced to palm nuts, but it is a curiosity for me.


Um, yeah, I dropped the ball with this thread, sorry!! :(


The other weekend I actually broke into the smaller palm nuts that I had ordered and frozen--Marcus just kind of looked at the larger ones I gave him back in June, Foxtails I think they were, and didn't really do anything with them. Regarding the smaller ones I gave him more recently, he kind of chewed on the flesh but once he got down to the husk, he didn't make any attempt to break into the actual nutmeat. Sooo... perhaps with the next couple that I unfreeze, he will get a little farther with them and actually get to eating them; but so far his excitement meter in terms of the palm nuts has been pretty low. (And Tybalt tried one of the smaller ones, too, and the results were unfortunately about the same.)

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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 5 months later...

There's really no experients are are needed. Palm nuts are their natural food in the wild. The nut is surrounded by palm oil which they also eat. It contains the vitmins that are needed. Unfortunately here in the US, palm nuts are extremely expensive and hard to get and they're in small packages.. What isn't hard to get is the red palm oil which is fed in different ways. You can take a favorite nut (Unshelled), put between 5 to 10 drops of the oil in the shell and you'll be doing your bird a great favor. There's many other methods too.

Edited by Dave007
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thanks dave.


I do use palm oil like you said. im looking at more of the foraging side of things. My sister lives in south texas and i have been talking her into planting a couple of palm trees to be my supplier and who knows maybe a online distributor



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I live in CA and I have Queen Palms in my yard. They produce nuts frequently that are favored by the wild parrots in the area. My Amazon likes them, but my Grey could care less. I end up using organic red palm oil mixed with their soft food as a supplement. Given that Greys in habitat eat primarily red palm fruit as their sole food it makes sense to include some oil or fruit in our home bird diets.

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