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We have eggs

Ray P

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Our peafowl want to start a family Pete peacock and Hanna peahen had eggs in their nest but the raccoons got in and broke some of the eggs. Soo now I am on coon patrol with my gun.

The coons got into the barn so yesterday my wife and I worked all day to protect their nest box. I hope she has more eggs !!!



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I hope so too Ray for they are lovely birds but our eggs are pheasants, they are in an enclosure that larger varmits such as a coon cannot get into but its hard to keep a snake out for they can squeeze into a small opening as can rats, we already have babies running around.

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Hope you both are able to successfully defend your eggs and hatchlings from predators. I thought getting poison ivy from chasing my little dogs out of the woods was my biggest concern today. I neglected to consider the snakes, ewwww.

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Hanna has an egg every other day and we coon proofed the barn after we lost two eggs but we lost a third egg and I think it was to a weasel.

Hanna has not had any more eggs but we keep hopeing that she will start again.

We also have traps set up and mabe we will get him I hope.

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