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As Summer winds down, I'm thinking about vacations. Did anyone do anything fun this year? (I know, CD did, great pictures!)

I'm also curious, for our members that are not from the U.S., how much vacation time do you get? I've heard a couple of different times how U.S. workers get drastically less time off. And, being the lazy oaf that I am, it actually makes me want to move abroad! :)

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Workaholic, Talon, you need to take a vacation once in a while. I am taking a few days this weekend and going to visit my son in WV and then go to the amish country in Ohio to shop and eat. We also went to PA earlier this summer for a few days and that is about it for us this year.:P

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Come to Maui! I can give you tons of info on that!


Our biggest vacation in the last year was going to Oahu for the day to pick up Makena... And we probably won't go anywhere else for a while. I don't trust anyone to watch Makena for us... and we could take him with us, but I don't want to subject him to 8 hours travel time each way, plus a new house and new cage :pinch:!

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Boy would I love to go back to Hawaii, and especially the island of Kauai, the garden isle, my favorite of the 4 I have visited. But I only get 2 weeks vacation and it is almost used up for this year and some of it wasn't used for vacation. Maybe another year we will go somewhere fun, I can always hope.B)

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I went to Hawaii (Oahu) earlier this year for 5 days (Wife's family there). Switzerland for 2 weeks (visit my family there). Going to Zion Nat'l park in October for a few days. I have been with my current company 11 years. I get over 7 weeks of vacation, at least on paper. It is rare I can actually take it all due to operational need and we never allow anyone off more than 10 business days in a row....all in all not too bad, but I work 10-12 hr days regularly. I guess I am a workaholic but thats what it takes to succeed in this industry. New hires with us get 2 wks plus 6 Holiday/yr in the first 2 years working and then it starts to increase after that based on length of service... B) Some of my family and colleagues in Europe get significantly more vacation than we do here in the US and actually get to use it... :ohmy: :blink:

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Well, Makena - if you're in Hawaii, I'd say you're always on vacation!:lol:

I've not been at my job quite a year yet (it'll be a year in November) and luckily I did get 5 vacation days. I used two at 4th of July (because it fell on a Wednesday - I took off Thurs & Fri that week and had a nice, long break). For that one I got Klaus (for one thing) - also took my son to the zoo one day and to the water park on another day. Then in August we took a long weekend and rented a little beach cottage in Port Austin, Mich. It was a lot of fun, the cottage was adorable. My brother-in-law (who currently lives with us) stayed home with Klaus. Klaus actually seemed to be fine with me being away.

Take your vacation if it's available, I say! Even if you don't go anywhere. I'm a middle manager, and I encourage everyone on my team to take theirs. The upper managers are gritting their teeth. Hee-hee!

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Hi everyone, sounds like you all have been pretty busy. We live here in the south of spain so most of the summer has been spent accomodation our friends on their vactions. It has been fun though. We spent Easter in Berlin and we are planning to go for 3 weeks to Hong Kong at the end of October. Poor Ying Mo is going to get a shock when he lands in his 'new home' for that time. I was also in Canada, without my husband, dealing with my older parents, both of whom had been sick. It was a nice visit but I don't really count it as a holiday. I have only been to Hawaii once but had a great time, stayed in the Pink Palace in Honolulu....

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Guest Monique

We haven't done any big vacations this year yet. Last year we went White Water River Rafting in Colorado. That was really fun. But you have to go when it's warm out :). Colorado is a bit cold up in the mountains even in the summer!!


I am lucky and get to travel to Vegas, Nashville, Ohio, and Miami before year-end for work. Miami we are turning into a vacation and my honey bunny is coming with me out there. I am really looking forward to it!!!

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