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Full spectrum lighting - for babies too?


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I keep reading that Greys need full spectrum lighting. Do babies need this too, or can I put it off awhile? (Simon's 5 months old tomorrow.)


I don't think I want to rewire my house to install lighting in the ceiling above their cages. A pendant style lamp would be awfully tempting for them to climb and chew on. Is there another option? I did pick up a few expensive fs lightbulbs at the pet store awhile back, that fit in a regular lamp. I don't know if that's good enough. It bothers me to point the unshaded bulb straight at the poor bird, because it's awfully bright. How long are you supposed to keep it on for each day?

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Yes, your grey or any other bird needs full spectrum lighting. You certainly do not want the lighting to be shining in from the side. It needs to be from above and only about 16 to 20 inches away from where he is normally perched to have any effect on D3 production resulting from the UVB component of that special lighting. I run might full spectrum lamps 12 hours a day. Some people only run them 4 hours and that of course depends on if your bird is [perched in one spot or on a perch that is the correct distance for any UVB to reach him. UVB drops off exponentially each inch. Just a few inches out of the optimum range and their is no UVB.


If your grey is out climbing around, the lighting of course will have no effect on D3 production due to the distance being too great.


If I may ask, what bulb type did you purchase? The manufacturer would have the specifications on the proper distance for their bulb/fixture.


The best option of course is taking your grey outside for an hour or two each day when weather permits. Then full spectrum lighting is really only needed in the winter months. :)

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