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Best visit so far!


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Well, as per usual, I went in to visit with little Mojo today. At first, he was a little standoffish, but within about 5 minutes, he waddled right over to me. He was MUCH calmer today and I think that is in part to his age and because I went in a bit later today so he was full. He enjoyed his cuddles today and for the first time, actually puffed up his head and lowered it to get more scratchies! He did spook a couple times when a fly buzzed past him and when some rather loud folks walked by. He literally ran over to me and hunkered down. He seems so much more aware of his surroundings now. He is also starting to mimic other noises aside from his usual baby cry. Today, he sounded like the older TAGs. He loves to meet new birds. Another lady who purchased a baby was there to visit (a bronze wing pionus which by the way is an awesome bird!) and her baby and Mojo had a nice time visiting each other. Mojo is also eating some soaked pellets and veggies now.


I am thrilled with his progress. He seems to get bigger by the minute. Even perched on my arm for a few moments today. He seems to really like to snuggle in my neck and today he fell asleep with his beak against my cheek :)


Thanks for letting me share!


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Mojo is adorable from the picture you so kindly shared with us and so precious of him to fall asleep on you, enjoy these moments for they are likely fleeting ones as they leave the baby stage and get more independent. They do seem ro grow so fast so be sure to visit as often as you can so you don't miss those moments with him.

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awww what a sweetie :)

I met Amanda today and got a chance to see her beautiful birds, omg Cosmo is georgous , Amanda you can send Cosmo to my house anytime :) I fell in love with Cosmo and his great personality , he was super friendly and sweet

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