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Here's Eva!


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For those of you who didn't know I have been interested in adopting a TAG. The first one I put a deposit on was having developmental problems and was sent back to the breeder from the store. I asked the staff today and they said they haven't heard anything about him yet.


So, I transferred my deposit to a lovely female...EVA. She seems very intelligent at 7 weeks old. Today during my visit, I started to learn how to hand feed her, it went very well. Also, while this is my third two hour visit with her....I'm not kidding.....at seven weeks she is beginning to vocalize! I can't be more proud. I've been working on the step up command with her and she's been doing well. Today she actually was attempting to repeat "step up" back to me. It wasn't quite there but very close. I was very surprised and taken off guard. She was also trying to say her name Eva...but it wasn't nearly as clear as step up.


Anyway....I'm so proud and can't wait to see her Friday again! Here's her picture from today:


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Currently I've been visiting her at least three times a week sometimes four for about two hours each visit. At first I figured I would go about twice a week, but I find myself wanting to spend more and more time with her and getting up early if I have to work to make the drive to visit her and still make it to work! I just can't wait until she comes home. Currently, she is progressing very well. She has mostly mastered the step up command for anyone at only 7 weeks. I only can't get her to step up out of her cage right away, but we're working on it. I had bought her some toys for her store cage, mostly shreddables, but she's shredded them all up! I'm thinking of getting her her a Jungle Talk press n' play because she's been so vocal already. My BB doesn't talk but he loves the the press n' play and presses the I love You buttons whenever I walk by the cage! I think she'll love it too. She's also eating everything I give her but especially loves dried corn and peas. I'm going to see her in the morning and will try to post some new pictures tomorrow, she really is beautiful! Always smiling to me!

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