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Grey Foods and behavioural problem.


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Actually, I have a question. I got my little Chipper... CAG... who is 10 yrs old, 4 wks ago. I'm still trying to figure out how much to feed him and what to feed him. There are so many varying answers out ther. I'm used to training dogs, done it for yrs, but this little guy got abandoned, and I adopted him, and I have no access to his previous owner. I'm still trying to get him to get on my hind, even though he lets me hand feed him. I can't take him out of the cage because of this. I can't even get hold of him to take him out of the cage. So, actually I have 2 conerns, how do I get him out of the cage when his wings aren't clipped, and two, how much food should he be eating? I feed him 2X a day with corn, brocolli, brussel sprouts, radishes, cucumbers, mushrooms, grapes, apples, and there's always seed in his bowl. Interesting that he'll take food from my hand and let me scratch his head, and he even cleans his beak on my fingers, but he will not step up. I made some progress today using Millet as a reward/entice system moving him closer to my finger as we wnt, and I got him to touch my finger but not step up. Guess I'll try it again tomorrow. Any advice would be helpful, he was abandoned with an abusive drunk, but by all appearance physically he's in good shape. He's happy, but is he traumatised?:confused:

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So glad to hear you rescued this grey from his previous home as no bird should have to live that way but you have only had him for 4 weeks and it may take much longer, months or maybe even a year as he is an adult bird who is set in his ways and has baggage he may not have unpacked yet. He may have never been taught to step up so it will take some time but you need to gain his trust for now then work on teaching step up later.

Please discontinue feeding mushrooms as they are toxic to birds and concentrate on more of the dark green vegetables and dark yellow and give less fruit, grapes are mostly sugar and water thus have very little nutrition in them. You can also give some nuts, grains, legumes and pellets, they can also have a little meat, preferably chicken, fish or other lean meats, very little red meat and an occasional egg.

Be sure to look around the bird food room for lots of ideas of foods to offer and what to stay away from like no onions, chocolate and so forth.

As far as getting him out of the cage just open his door and let him come out on his own, yes being flighted he will fly away from you but he needs some time out every day, maybe you can get him back in later by offering him something he really likes to eat, place it in his cage and see if it entices him to go back in to get it or wait until after dark and then you will be more able to catch him to put him back. It doesn't sound to me like he is traumatised but he is still adjusting to his new home.

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Thank you for your encouraing and enlightening advice I will check out the foods list, I really needed to know that about grapes, mushrooms and onions. I was wondering about onions just yeterday. I do know he was previously allowed out of his cage as he took showers in the beginning with his previous owner, that's really all I know. When I got him all I knew was that, and I got his cage and a container half full of bird seed. I have so many questions about his past, but his previous owner is unavailable to me, so I'm having to wing it, so to speak. I just joined this forum yesterday and desperately need all the advice I can get. I can't seem to get him to take a bath, so I'm misting him once a day. Any advice in this area? Thanks so much for your help and encouragement.

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Onion only a tiny bit once in a while as it can affect the balance of red and white blood cells. Grapes are like candy for us high sugar contenet so as a treat or an sporadic dietary addition. You can feed some Walnuts, almonds, Pine nuts some fresh coconut they all have safe and healthy fatty acids, don't over do these nuts we want to avoid fatty liver issues. The dark colored veggies and fruits are the most nutritious and adding sprouted grains and legumes can be very healthy too.

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IN regards bathing/misting/showers.


For misting please see this thread http://www.greyforums.net/forums/showthread.php?189753-Bathing-possible-method-1 in the Health room. There is a ton of information there covering many topics you should familiarize yourself with.


If your grey is getting angry while being misted in the cage, I would stop it for now. It will slow down the trust he has for you and that is the most important thing you need to gain for him to willingly leave his cage, which is his safe place.


Once trust is built and he comes out, you can then take him to the shower with you if thats what he prefers.


There is a ton of advice on food and diet in the food room. You should go therre as well and browse through those topics.


Of course, we are all here and as you have already seen, ready and willing to help you along your new journey. :)

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Congratulations on adopting your Chipper! It may take some time for him to be comfortable in your home, but I'm sure on one level he already knows you're just trying to help him. We've had our Marcus for eight months now and, in the beginning especially, he let us know in his own way some of the "stuff" that he came from in his other home, and we had to work through it (still are, in some ways--but it's much better now, at least). More than likely, as the trust between you both grows, Chipper will let you in on a bit of his past too, the good and the not-so-good, and your relationship will grow as you deal with his past issues together.


There is a lot of wonderful information and advice in the different 'rooms' here. I just want to add that the big three no-no's in terms of food are avocado (lethal to parrots!), chocolate, and caffeine. Like Judy said, you don't want to feed mushrooms either, and Teflon cookware can kill parrots too... but even after reading everything in the other rooms, if you have any questions or concerns, just ask! I think it was Dan who said we're all here to help if we can, and we're just so glad you're trying so hard to make this transition easier for your Chipper, it's heartwarming, really. He sounds like he needed a good friend. :)

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