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I still can't decide between the two types of AGs!


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I'm moving into my first apartment at the end of August. I was hoping to have an AG on deposit at least by then. The biggest problem I'm having isn't with my vet fund or trying to decide which cage to get (even though I still can't decide that), my problem is choosing between the Timneh and the Congo!


I've read article after article. I've been to page 40 on a google search reading up on it! My poor boyfriend has had to drag me away from the book section of the Union Square Petco because I was nose deep in AG books!


So far what I've gathered is that Congo's are more skiddish and learn words later...that some of their behavior problems come from being taken from their parents too soon, and that Timneh's mature faster and are thus more open and mellow.


The thing is, I don't care if the bird is more skiddish. I like a challenge and I am an extremely patient person.


I've also read on a few pages that the Congo is a bit more intelligent than the Timneh, although I don't quite believe that. I don't have the personal experience but I believe this is a bias because of the attention Congo's get.


I am also a huge fan of the underdog. I first became attracted to rats because of their misunderstood reputation. That's not the only reason I keep them as companion animals (I love intelligent creatures) but the idea of having a Timneh that may not be as objectively attractive and not as popular also appeals to me.


The point is, I'm stuck. I really don't know how to decide and I don't feel myself leaning any way one or the other. Did anyone have the same dilemma? Any opinions on the subject matter? I know it has been discussed to death but this decision is killing me.

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Hi Eshana! I have to say that from my experience, since I have one of both, they are VERY different. Dexter my TAG is the more shy of the two, likes to make a goosey noise when you pick him up (almost sounds like his version of "I cant be bothered"). He is also the more daring of the two... and has a personality all his own. Dexter's vocal talents arent the clearest... but his whistles and impecable timing for the words he does know is ADORABLE!

There there is Cooper, I truly believe he is my sensitive giant... he is more aware of the moods in the room, and has a tendency to be moody himself. He is definitely more vocal, and knows what we are thinking around over 200 words. I do want it knows I do not believe that a birds ability for mimicry is the indication of it's intellegence. I actually believe that it depends on the bird. With both of our fids, we just happen to get two very different individuals, that fit about 70-80 percent of the "text book" definintions of personalities.

I am a firm believer that animals, especially parrots (because they ARE so smart) are alot like children. You can do all the research in the world... but in the end, who knows.


I deliberated for a LONG time, but in the end, I rescued two amazing birds, who have enlightened my life... and I wouldn't trade them for the world.


Now, this is what I think that I would do if I were you... spend some time with some greys, look into rescues (we all know there are not enough good homes for greys that have been homeless because owners didn't know about all the hard work), or if you are purchasing from a breeder/pet store... hang out before you put one on deposit. See what happens! I'm sure what bird is meant to be your new companion, will find it's way into your world!!


Good Luck, and thank you for your post!

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Some times the choice is made by the grey and not you.

My wife and I looked at many greys when we decided to get one (40 or 50) and it was Corky that picked us and that was 10 1/2 years ago.

We were looking at some baby greys and this one ran over to the wife and up her arm to her shoulder and took a big poop. That was her clame to us.

After a year of looking it was Corky that made the choice and we left a deposit. 5 weeks later she came home with us.

I think she made a good choice.

Edited by Ray P
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I agree with Ray in allowing the bird to choose, it makes for a happy start to your relationship. Each bird no matter the species or subspecies has it's own ideas, it's own personality and is not governed by weather it is a Timneh, a Congo, a Ghana or a Cameroon. Like us each Grey is a unique individual, at our house the Congo is the most vocal and is an independent girl at 22 years old, the Camaroon is sweet affectionate and does great Sparrow and Cardinal sounds, the Timneh is the most shy and came to as a naked plucker after some emotional upset in his history. He is beginning to reach out in friendship and his body language is more comfortable after many months with us. What ever you decide or the Grey decides we look forward to hearing how it all goes. All our birds have come to us from previous homes and we do not have much background or history on most of them, we love them all and each has made it's own place in our flock and in our hearts.

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I guess the thing is that where I was planning on getting the Grey from, they really only have one or two at a time, and it's far enough from where I live that I would only be able to make two or three trips there post deposit. I love the idea of letting the "bird choose you" but I don't think that's in the cards for me, especially since I've only ever seen two African Greys, both Congo's, up close.

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Sometimes its just not possible to let the grey pick you as in your case I only had one available to me but its not a real problem, it may be nice to be picked by your bird but it is certainly not neccesary. You can still form a great bond with your grey even if the bird seems at first to not like you, you have to earn a grey's trust to bond with it to begin with so don't worry about it if yours doesn't just take to you right off. I have a great bond with my grey and you can have a great one with whichever species you choose, just love it, take care of it and treat it with the respect it deserves and you will have a wonderful companion for a very long time.

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Hi Eshana! I have to say that from my experience, since I have one of both, they are VERY different. Dexter my TAG is the more shy of the two, likes to make a goosey noise when you pick him up (almost sounds like his version of "I cant be bothered"). He is also the more daring of the two... and has a personality all his own. Dexter's vocal talents arent the clearest... but his whistles and impecable timing for the words he does know is ADORABLE!

There there is Cooper, I truly believe he is my sensitive giant... he is more aware of the moods in the room, and has a tendency to be moody himself. He is definitely more vocal, and knows what we are thinking around over 200 words. I do want it knows I do not believe that a birds ability for mimicry is the indication of it's intellegence. I actually believe that it depends on the bird. With both of our fids, we just happen to get two very different individuals, that fit about 70-80 percent of the "text book" definintions of personalities.

I am a firm believer that animals, especially parrots (because they ARE so smart) are alot like children. You can do all the research in the world... but in the end, who knows.


I deliberated for a LONG time, but in the end, I rescued two amazing birds, who have enlightened my life... and I wouldn't trade them for the world.


Now, this is what I think that I would do if I were you... spend some time with some greys, look into rescues (we all know there are not enough good homes for greys that have been homeless because owners didn't know about all the hard work), or if you are purchasing from a breeder/pet store... hang out before you put one on deposit. See what happens! I'm sure what bird is meant to be your new companion, will find it's way into your world!!


Good Luck, and thank you for your post!



I agree with this post. I have BOTH a ccag & tag, I do NOT see that my cag is a better talker, in fact, the opposite is true!

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When you see the "right" grey, you will know it. Whether you pick him or he picks you will happen in an instant. So be patient, the right grey is just waiting for you to show up. I have a TAG and she is a delight.

Edited by luvparrots
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can they e-mail pictures? sometimes personality comes out in a picture... I would also call and ask about their temperament, amongst other questions... So, then you'll have an idea on which one before you go up there.


Good luck, whichever one you get, they're all great :)

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Oh the talking ability is something I can care less about. I mean...it'd be nice to have someone to have a conversation with I suppose, but if the bird doesn't talk it isn't any skin off of my nose.


I suppose when I have everything set up in August I'll see what types the breeder has, and work from there.

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The main thing NOT to do, is expect how your grey will turn out whether TAG or CAG. As others have stated, each one is an individual and will have it's own uniqueness. Thats why anyone getting any bird, dog or other critter should be ready to love them unconditionally as they are or become. I have no doubt, that destiny will have it's way in this. :)

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I also have one of each. Neither of which "chose" me. My TAG I got while she was a baby (she is now 11) and my CAG, I've had just a month or so and is a 10 yr. old rehome. Our TAG is amazing.Very easy going, never plucked a feather, loves to just hang out, is a snuggler, definitely has some words but prefers to mimic noises and loves to whistle. The CAG has a ton of words and phrases, much of which we are still trying to decipher, as we don't know the voices in which it came from and he/she likes to mumble and talk "under her breath!" For a rehome, I think we have been extremely lucky. She has been regurt., putting her feathers forward, and making her little noises practically from day 2 of bringing her home. She is much more needy, however, and our TAG is, though extremely cuddly and not stand offish in anyway, much more independantand able to just "be." Now, of course, this may have much to do with the situations they come from. Birds are like people, all very different, each with their own set of needs, wants, and desires.

****We started originally with TAG because we had not had a parrot before and thought that would be best. My Husband had grown up with a rehomed cockatoo that had peviously been abused, so he did have experience. As a couple, We had had doves and cockatiels but the books suggested the TAG for the less advanced bird person. I have kids. Birds take about as much attention if you're going to do it right, I believe. Get what you're ready for and be honest with yourself, so the bird isn't the one to suffer in the end.... i.e. being a rehome. Make sure you have spent some actual hands on time so you know what you're in for (all birds bite at one time or another, even if they are the nicest bird EVER!~) GOOD LUCK!~

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I have had experience with two Congo and one Timneh. I am afraid I can't help you much with the decision though. It would be no different than trying to choose which of my daughters might be my favorite. I do have to say I thought I wanted a Congo and I loved his light colored feathers and bright red tail. After losing him and then his brother, I had the opportunity to rehome Gilbert. There was something tugging at my heart to get another Congo and I wondered if I would feel as if Gilbert was not my first choice or if I would regret getting a Timneh or whatnot. That only lasted a day or so of overthinking. Now that Gil is here with me, Timneh Shimneh, I couldn't tell one from the other. He is just Gilbert and he is wonderful. When the timing is right, when you find your bird, you most likely will not care and the debate you are having with yourself will fade away with the love you have for the one you are with. LOL.

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Ever since I started wondering about Timneh Vs. Congo, everyone in my life has been chiming in! Even though I will be living in the apartment on my own, with my boyfriend staying with me once or twice a week (you know...just so we can have pillow fights and tell scary stories...obviously)


My mother: Oh but the Congo is so pretty. The Timneh doesn't have such a nice tail!

Me: Mah, I really don't care about how "pretty" a bird is. I didn't choose Shelby because he was "pretty",


My Father: Wasn't that Alex bird a Congo? How do you know a Timneh will be as smart?

Me: I read a lot of stories online about how smart some Timneh's are.


My boyfriend: Didn't you say Timneh's are more easy going and accepting? Wouldn't a Timneh make it easier for the bird to like both of us?

Me: That isn't true in all cases though!


So yeah, I feel like I'm being pulled in every which way! I've been checking Craigslist and Petfinder and I have not found anything available for rehome. I really want to get a baby from Fancy Feathers Aviary, but if one pops up in a rescue I'd want to maybe go meet him/her at least for some interaction. If anyone knows of one that pops up in the NYC area...

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My 'outsider' impression from your posts is that you're either honestly leaning towards a Timneh or you -want- to lean towards a Timneh but you're not really feeling it and are trying to come up with reasons why you should be... Only you can decide which one it is.. :) Since both are good choices, I say flip a coin. And then see if the outcome disappoints you... might give a better idea where your heart lies.


Or, like others have said, leave it to fate and see what happens to be available and if that little face calls to you!

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My 'outsider' impression from your posts is that you're either honestly leaning towards a Timneh or you -want- to lean towards a Timneh but you're not really feeling it and are trying to come up with reasons why you should be... Only you can decide which one it is.. :) Since both are good choices, I say flip a coin. And then see if the outcome disappoints you... might give a better idea where your heart lies.


Or, like others have said, leave it to fate and see what happens to be available and if that little face calls to you!


Oh my gosh, you read me like a book! I really want to want a timneh, but the congo keeps pulling me in. How did you do that? Smartie.


EDIT: I just realized this post came off as sarcastic. I was being completely serious though. You opened my eyes to my problem. Thank you so much <3

Edited by Eshana
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