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Your Very Special Grey(s)


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So now that we have a household with four parrot friends in it, I've started comparing them a bit--I can't help it! Granted, the difference between the species I'm sure affects their temperament and habits, but there are obviously individual characteristics that pop up, too. For instance, while Quaker parrots are generally known as being bright little birds, my husband and I are under the impression (sigh, hehe!) that Beaker is really not too smart. He's a sweet little thing though, fiesty at times as all Quakers are, but generally quite a lovebug and very dear to us. He doesn't talk much, really, which I think is interesting considering they're often labeled one of the "top five" parrots to have the tendency and/or ability to have large vocabularies and speak with comprehension, but Beaker sure makes up for that lack in other ways!


And thinking about Beaker like that, I got to wondering what makes all of our other feathered babies special? We're still getting to know our Tybalt (the IRN) and our Bunsen (the cockatiel), but Tybalt is sharp as a tack and I think he has the potential to be very loving someday, and he's just a dynamo in the air; and Bunsen is just a little doll and, oh, actually a bit brighter than Beaker, we think. Haha.


Then--of course--there is Marcus: our intelligent, loving, observant little Grey boy. He strikes me as still coming out of his shell, in terms of speech ability and shown affection and the like. He's the first Grey I've ever been around and although I know other Greys I read about here are more chatty in general; and some are much more cuddly; and others are more playful; I think Marcus is just right as he is--but aren't they all? :) I think Marcus has a great talent for language and a lot of potential although he's still a little hesitant to express himself in most situations, but whenever something happens that he really takes an interest in, out pops a near-perfect (sometimes perfect-perfect!) question or comment in English that will leave our heads spinning. He's also developing into a rather good climber, a little monkey on his playgym. And although the letter "S" is still his absolute favorite of his alphabet letters, his interest and excitement whenever I pull them out makes me think that perhaps, in time, he might make a few great strides for himself in terms of understanding the general concept of 'reading' a bit more.


So, that all being said: I'd like to hear about what makes your precious Grey babies special! Are they great talkers? Are they aerial acrobats? Do they like to sing? Do they just snuggle up on the couch with you and make your heart melt? They're all so different, but so lovely, I want this thread to be a place where you can "toot the horn" for them and let everyone know what a proud parront you are! (And if you want to, you can go on about your other fids too, I won't tell on you!)



Edited by MarcusCAG
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Well my grey Josey is a great talker but she is kind of skittish, she hangs out on her cage most of the time when she is out. She has a bell that she loves to bang around in her cage, it is probably her favorite thing of all the toys she has and sometimes it seems she is so mad at something she gives that bell a good whacking but I know she just loves to hear it make noise. She mimics the other two parrots I have so sometimes I have to listen good to know whether it was her or the other birds.

My sun conure Sunny was my first parrot and she is spoiled rotten, thinks she has to be on my shoulder if she is out of her cage, doesn't much like being on playstands, she can fly but she only does when spooked but she loves head scratches, I think it is mostly because she usually has pin feathers on her head she can't get to so my fingers do the work for her, oh well I love to do it for her.

My cockatiel Gypsy has come a long way since I first found her in my backyard, she was afraid of hands and would fly away from me but now she will stay put for a while when being out of her cage and has calmed down since last summer when she came to my home, I really never considered having a tiel for a pet but she has been a welcome addition to my flock and a very pretty one too I might add.

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Biscotti makes my day everyday just by being his wonderful self. True to cartoon character, I swear he has an angel on one shoulder and a devil on the other. Which one will win out is always a toss up!

He has literally made me drop my jaw in amazement & in exasperation.

If he a "a specialness", I would say it has to be his way with words! He loves to talk, and talks most of the day- it is uncanny how quickly he picks up words/phrases. He just turned 2 yesterday and I believe he knows over 200 words. I am going to try and count & update his page on the vocab. thread.

Biscotti has quite a sense of humor, he is very fond of his BRPTTT!! "Who did that?" routine, just like a young child. He has a great huge laugh that never fails to make me laugh right along with him.

It is the whole crazy package that makes Biscotti so special to me. Can you tell, I Love my special grey??? LOL :):)

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Gilbert has been with us a relatively short time. When I prepared to take him as a rehomed bird, I was honestly prepared for all his traits and stress plucking. I was prepared to wait a year to see his personality emerge. He really has surprised us all. He is special just for being Gilbert and I like to think of him as my boy. He is extraordinarily bright, as all our greys are. I couldn't put my finger on one thing that makes him so special, I will take all the good with the rough times and keep coming back for more. I just love looking at his little face and how he will let me scratch his head before bedtime.

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These are all such lovely expressions, thank you so much for sharing these stories of your beloved Greys and other fids! I'm enjoying reading them very much... Sometimes I think my family and friends get irritated by all my stories of Marcus and the boys, but it's nice to be able to share them here and I'm just so happy to read everyone else's experiences with their special babies, too. Haha, you all understand!!


And Dan, I've seen videos of your Dayo, and heard some of your stories about him... I can see why you would just say what you did. Simple and sweet, nothing more needed to be said. :)

Edited by MarcusCAG
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