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OH! Helloooooo attitude!


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Had to share....



The other day, My husband, his cousin, and I were sitting outside on the back porch (right outside the back door- which is probably about 10 feet from Sully's cage). We were all talking, and I heard Sully chit chatting away to himself. I poked my head inside, and Sully is on the floor of his cage, calling the cat, (click click click sounds). Our youngest cat strolled over to him, and sat about, oh... 3 inches from his cage. Sully then said "Gizmo!". I was in shock that he identified her because we have three cats, and until now, he's just clicked at them. Anyway, I got my husband, came inside and said "Sully, call the kitty!" and He looked me dead in the face and said "I don't think so."


WHAT?!!??! Sully has never said more than one or two words at a time, much less used them in context.

I laughed so hard, that now he says it everytime I talk to him. Mr. Attitude.

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What a delightful moment with Sully. It is so funny that we have these little minds that can come right out with what they are thinking. It is such a good time when we get a glimpse into their world as they share ours. Thanks for sharing.

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