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Tari Reaches 1,000 Posts!!


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Congratulations Tari!


Wow! You made it to the 1000 club! I’m very happy you are here. You have such a wealth of information & advice that you are always willing to share with us, not only about African Greys, but so many other birds as well. I know you are constantly researching information for us. We all look to you for advice regarding our “Other Birds”.





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Tari, I can remember when you first joined Grey Forums. It seems so long ago but really it's just a few months. In that short time here you have gotten lots of great comments by other members here. Comments like


Tari is a wonderful moderator who brings a wealth of knowledge to the forum.A caring & great lady to know,i look forward to our new friendship


Tari is a very kind and thoughtful person. One of the first to really make me feel welcome. Thank you knowing when I need and PM


Tari, is a specially gifted and loving person when it comes to People and Parrots. Her devotion and compassion on the forum is a great asset


A valuable member and moderator. A friend to everyone. Has a wealth of knowledge about birds. You'll enjoy her artful banners!


I love your gentle and caring approach to this forum, it's really a pleasure to read your posts


A wonderfully caring and loving woman. Such an animal lover she has more animals then you can guess.. A positive forum member with lots of knowledge to share and the willingness to share it. One of a team of important Moderators to this wonderful site..


Tari, a couple of months ago I personally asked you to take over the "other birds" room. I needed a Moderator there and in my opinion I thought you were the best for that job. Tari, you have proved me so correct in that decision that you have made me so proud of you I can't begin to express it here in writing.


As the above comments from your fellow members clearly outline, you are a cherished member of our family here and as a personal note let me "THANK YOU" for giving all you have gave to this forum. Your time, knowledge, experience, love and pain... I love what you bring to us here and hope to see you around forever...


Congratulations Tari.. You deserve it...



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Look at the outpouring of love these "threshold" threads create. How anyone can tell me that the feelings expressed here by our members for another member aren't important, you got me..


You do realize that there are people here that don't "get it" in regards to why it's important how others "feel".. What a cold heartless world it would be if we were over run by people like this.

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Tari, I completely missed this (but with the amount of postings here it's sometimes hard to follow it all :blush: )


Better late than never:


congratulations sweetie :kiss:

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