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I need some advice + New baby pictures.


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Well first of all here's some pics of the my TAG I took while visiting today, he's almost 13 weeks.




Ok, now I need some help/ advice. My TAG is on deposit and again is almost 13 weeks. However, he seems to be developing slower than the other Grey's at the store who are the same age or even younger. He has a very sweet temperament and loves to perch on my hand, however he is still very clumsy and seems to be lacking dexterity. During my times visiting him I have tried to work with him on a T stand at the store. He struggles immensely perching on it and keeps losing his balance and starts to fall unless I help him. He was in a large cage with several other Grey's when he was young, and was quite smaller than the Congo's with him and he seemed to always be huddling in a corner by himself. The woman at store assured me he just feels a little bullied by the larger birds and when they move him to his own cage he will come out of his shell a little more.

Well, he and many of the Grey's his age each have their own cage since Monday, and I bought him some toys for his cage. On Monday he was doing terribly with the t stand and I gave up for the day. Today, we tried again for over an hour and towards the end he finally seemed comfortable on the stand and was standing on one foot there, preening himself and stretching, still a little clumsily. And, while I see the other Grey's his age perching all over the cage and climbing around, he still just sits on the bottom of his cage preening himself.

So, in conclusion, the women at the store told me they have been watching him, and are aware that he is developing a little slower than the others. She told me now that he's had his own cage for a few days away from the other birds, he might start doing better and become more confident. She did say she saw him climbing on the cage bars yesterday morning, very clumsily. She said some birds are just "special" and have developmental problems. and those they keep as in store pets and I wouldn't be expected to take him home. By the way, this is Bird Paradise in Burlington NJ. They have always been very knowledgeable and helpful, Dr. Irene Pepperberg is actually a guest speaker there every year at their Parrot Palooza. I'm thinking of going in tomorrow and putting a deposit on another young TAG that is just in and not sold. I hope my baby starts doing better, but if not I don't want to be left with out a bird after all the preparation and money I've spent on supplies to bring this little guy home.


Keep him in your prayers, I hope he starts doing better, or maybe I'm just overly concerned. Any thoughts or experiences like this?

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I agree with just about everything the store owner said. Yes, bullying happens especially when CAGs and TAGs are mixed together. Just like weaning, many birds need to stay on formula for longer amounts of time. In your case, the bird needs a longer amount of time concerning dexterity and confidence. You can't expect things to instantly change because he's now in his own cage. It's only been 4 days. She said he climbed--good sign. He's prerching in the cage---good sign


The only thing I disagree with is the playstand. A young bird who has dexterity problems, perching problems, clumsy shouldn't be put on a playstand. A very young bird develops much better in the confines of his own cage which he feels safe in.

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Thanks I feel a little better now, but my question is now, how should I be interacting with him on my visits then, should I just leave him on my hand where he feels comfortable? When should I attempt to put on on the T stand again? Do you think I should put a deposit on another bird just in case things don't improve? I'm definitely going to go back in tomorrow morning and have a talk with them to see what they think I should do next, but I would greatly appreciate any other thoughts any one might have. For instance, has any one here had a similar experience with a young Grey who later turned out fine?

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Thanks I feel a little better now, but my question is now, how should I be interacting with him on my visits then, should I just leave him on my hand where he feels comfortable? When should I attempt to put on on the T stand again? Do you think I should put a deposit on another bird just in case things don't improve? I'm definitely going to go back in tomorrow morning and have a talk with them to see what they think I should do next, but I would greatly appreciate any other thoughts any one might have. For instance, has any one here had a similar experience with a young Grey who later turned out fine?

Yes, you should interact with him--see your picture of him being on your arm? Take that arm and put it right next to your body, put your other hand on his other side so that if he slips a bit , he;ll go against your chest or against your other hand. While he's on you, pet him gently on the head. Keep him close. Playstands are usually put into use after a bird comes home. When a bird comes home, he/she has to first get used to a new cage, new toys, new people, new environment, new visuals. It would be very easy to tell that person to let him get dexterity in her cage. I don't really see why she would give you a hard time.


Past experiences----many birds are sold prematurely. Many things should be developed before the bird comes home. Most serious problems occur when sick birds are sold.

As far as putting a deposit on another bird..that's not something I would comment on because you're the only one that has contact with the seller, with the bird. She has to give you a report on your bird. You also need to sit with her and discuss a deposit on another bird. It's a question that strangers shouldn't answer just because they've had a good or bad experience in the past. I know I won't answer that.


To make you feel better, a 13 wk old grey is a very young grey and it does need some personal attention after being in with CAGs. Believe it or not, baby birds can be very aggressive with each other and all it takes is who gets to the food first.

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Thanks again Dave for all of your help. Again I think your right on me sitting down with the seller an discussing the situation involving whether or not I should put a deposit on another bird. The reason I would want to would be only because if my boy was sick, and I could not take him home, I would not want to miss the opportunity of getting a grey. However, maybe I was rash and should think a little more about it. I am fully committed to the TAG I have currently. I really love his temperament and have become really attached to him. I figured if a had another bird on deposit, if my current TAG wasn't able to be sold, I would still have a Timmy I could eventually take home. But then my dilemma is if I can take mine home, I'll feel bad for the other if he's attached to me as well. In summation, I want to keep a deposit on my current and put a deposit on another just in case things don't improve. What do you think?

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Also, it should be said, time is not an object, I live fairly close by to the store and it is quite a joy for me to visit my bird several times a week. I was already told middle to end of July is the EARLIEST I could have him, maybe not until the end of August. So I guess we'll see how things pan out. I hope he's just lacking a little confidence right now and is not "special needs"

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Also, it should be said, time is not an object, I live fairly close by to the store and it is quite a joy for me to visit my bird several times a week. I was already told middle to end of July is the EARLIEST I could have him, maybe not until the end of August. So I guess we'll see how things pan out. I hope he's just lacking a little confidence right now and is not "special needs"


Nothing you've been talking about and describing doesn't fit **a special needs bird**

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Thanks again Dave for all of your help. Again I think your right on me sitting down with the seller an discussing the situation involving whether or not I should put a deposit on another bird. The reason I would want to would be only because if my boy was sick, and I could not take him home, I would not want to miss the opportunity of getting a grey. However, maybe I was rash and should think a little more about it. I am fully committed to the TAG I have currently. I really love his temperament and have become really attached to him. I figured if a had another bird on deposit, if my current TAG wasn't able to be sold, I would still have a Timmy I could eventually take home. But then my dilemma is if I can take mine home, I'll feel bad for the other if he's attached to me as well. In summation, I want to keep a deposit on my current and put a deposit on another just in case things don't improve. What do you think?


Like I said, it's up to you. If you feel better having deposits on 2 birds then do it.

I wouldn't say that you were rash, just scared because you were frustrated and felt that you didn't know what to do. That's what this board is for. We try to help.

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I feel much better now thanks. And my little Timmy does like to be held close to me when I have him out, and after giving it much thought I'm sure he just needs some time to build his confidence. They are clumsy birds after all. I guess I just got ahead of my self with the T stand because I saw the other Grey owners visiting their birds of the same age with theirs on the T stands and thought that's what I should be doing with my little guy. But I'll revert now back to holding him now on my hand close to me until he's ready. I'll keep everyone posted thanks for the help.

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I just wanted to say he's very cute. I hope it's just a matter of lower confidence and less practice as a result of being housed with the bigger CAG babies. I hope he catches up soon. I'm rooting for him!


That room that the pictures were taken in? The store provides that room for you to visit in? Wow.

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So here's an update: I went back to Bird Paradise today and had a long talk with the in owner. In short he decided the best thing to do was for me to get another TAG and he would transfer the deposit. I first mentioned Timmy being a little wobbly this past Monday, and he said he has been personally monitoring him as well as has instructed his staff to do so also. Even though he's has his own cage now he said there seems to be little improvement. He said this does happen from time to time and he's going to send him back to the breeder to get stronger and fully weaned because they don't feel comfortable selling the bird at this point. Hopefully, if all goes well, Timmy will be back when he's stronger and he will find a good home. I am at the store often so I'm sure I'll see him again. I was very sad saying good bye to him, but I think when he spends some personal time with the breeder he'll get stronger and I'll see him back at the store again, unless the breeder finds him a home.


So I picked a lovely female TAG who is six weeks old. She is so beautiful, curious, and mischievous for her age. She was in a cage with some other very young CAGS and she seemed to be chasing them and bossing them around. What a 180! I will be going in next week to assist in the feeding as much as possible. They told me she is already picking at solid foods and if I feel comfortable when she gets down to one or two feedings a day I can take her home if I do well with the in store feedings for the next few weeks.


What does everyone think of this?

And P.S. I gotta run to work so I'll post her pictures later she gorgeous and always seems to be smiling :).

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I've seen this store advertised in 'Bird Talk' magazine. To be honest, I'm shocked at how nice this store seems from the way you've spoken about it. It looked like a mom and pop petsmart to me! That should teach me not to judge a book by its cover!


I hope that the male TAG finds a good home. Is he in an area of the store that anyone can visit? I was thinking of taking a drive out there soon to look at cages....

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So here's an update: I went back to Bird Paradise today and had a long talk with the in owner. In short he decided the best thing to do was for me to get another TAG and he would transfer the deposit. I first mentioned Timmy being a little wobbly this past Monday, and he said he has been personally monitoring him as well as has instructed his staff to do so also. Even though he's has his own cage now he said there seems to be little improvement. He said this does happen from time to time and he's going to send him back to the breeder to get stronger and fully weaned because they don't feel comfortable selling the bird at this point. Hopefully, if all goes well, Timmy will be back when he's stronger and he will find a good home. I am at the store often so I'm sure I'll see him again. I was very sad saying good bye to him, but I think when he spends some personal time with the breeder he'll get stronger and I'll see him back at the store again, unless the breeder finds him a home.


So I picked a lovely female TAG who is six weeks old. She is so beautiful, curious, and mischievous for her age. She was in a cage with some other very young CAGS and she seemed to be chasing them and bossing them around. What a 180! I will be going in next week to assist in the feeding as much as possible. They told me she is already picking at solid foods and if I feel comfortable when she gets down to one or two feedings a day I can take her home if I do well with the in store feedings for the next few weeks.


What does everyone think of this?

And P.S. I gotta run to work so I'll post her pictures later she gorgeous and always seems to be smiling :).


This is important. Do the right thing by the bird and let the store fully wean him. Loads of things concerning unweaned birds being sold has been discussed here in the past.

There's a lot more to weaning a bird other then learning how to continue the last 1 or 2 feeding. Many other things can go wrong at home especially if this is your first grey.

Some people have had many problems after getting an unweaned bird. Other people haven't. You need to play it safe. Many stores won't sell unweaned birds. Many private breeders won't sell unweaned birds. It's against the law to sell unweaned birds in the UK.

After bringing home a baby grey, there's loads of things you be doing and learning about. Hand feeding a bird shouldn't be high on that list.

The store shouldn't mind if you tell them to fully wean the bird. After all, they want your business now and in the future.


Think about it. I haven't steered you wrong yet.

Better safe then sorry.

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In response to Eshana, it is a huge store. In fact they advertise as being the biggest exotic bird store on the East coast. They have everything from Toucans to budgies. I began visiting regularly before I ever even got my BB just because I was so fascinated with all the different types of birds I've never seen in person. They also host a huge parrot palooza every fall which I've attended twice now, where they do lots of great seminars on avian care. They also feature Dr. Pepperberg at the Palooza every year during one of her seminars is when I began becoming interested in Greys. I love it because you really get to meet bird lovers who come from all over the country. I love this place and I only feed my bird with their small hookbill ultimate blend in which they blend pellets with other veggies, fruit, and nuts. It's expensive but worth it. I plan on giving my Grey the Grey Ultimate Blend as well. I would definitely call this place my home away from home I often take my BB too!

In response to my little Timmy, they are sending him back to the breeder for a while until he gets stronger so he won't be in the store. I hope to see him when he gets back and I will keep everyone updated.

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To Dave:

Thank you again, I have been putting a lot of thought in and I think I will most likely wait until he's fully weaned. However, I do want to still go in for regular feedings because I want that bonding experience with little Eva. They are not pushing me to take the bird home any time soon, just mentioned it as a possibility if I would be willing to spend the next few weeks coming in to help with the feedings and learning.

And here's Eva:


I love how she always seems to be smiling! Wish me luck.

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Thank you for the rave review of the store! I think I'll save up a few paychecks and take the trek there for my birthday in August.


Maybe I'll call the store in a week or so to find out about the male TAG. I do hope he gains his strength. I guess I just have a super soft spot for the underdog.

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I have to say I wholeheartedly agree with Dave, let them finish feeding and weaning Eva before you bring her home, Dave is a breeder of greys himself so he knows what he is talking about and you don't want to take any unnecessary chances here, you want a fully weaned healthy grey to bring into your home and your life.

I have never been to that store but have wanted to go for a long time, it is far from me since I live in VA but am thinking of getting a few bird friends together and see if we can drive up sometime to just see the store and pick up a few things for our fids.

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