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A Goose named Maria..


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This is a great story and it shows human and bird bonding can go far beyond human and parrot bonding and it`s not a new thing.

A friend of mine had a crow that took to him for years untill the crow passed away.

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That was just wonderful! Mario (saw Part II, too!) looks so happy with Dominic there, you just wonder what made him stick out to him out of all the other people in that park? And what's even more special is how Dominic cares enough for Mario to visit him regularly like that, even at the zoo. Happy sigh! :)

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Thanks for the part2.


Such close relationships across species are always touching. It is also good to see a human that cares enough to continue with such responsibility for that birds mental and physical health and well being.


We and all species on this planet, are connected more closely than most people believe or understand.

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This is heartwarming to see that Dominic stayed around and visits Maria/Mario in the zoo setting and the caretakers recognize the importance of that bond. It illustrates to me how unique the connection is between us and the bird that chooses us. It makes it all that much more important for us to commit and stay committed to our parrots once that bond is established.

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