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Timneh Vs. Congo bonding?


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I've been doing research on congo's vs. Timneh's for a while now and came upon this interesting article:




Here's a quote:


"...Again, these surveys rely on personal experiences of African Grey owners, which may not always be as objective as a controlled laboratory experiment. Therefore, they should be considered possible trends, rather than outright facts. In my survey, which included equal numbers of Congo and Timneh Greys, 63 percent of the male Congo Greys changed their preference from the primary caregiver to another family member. They did this between the ages of two and three years. Sixteen percent of the female Congo Greys in the survey changed their human bonds....


....But, what about the Timnehs in my survey? A big surprise to me was that no Timnehs of either sex changed their pair bonds. Some even added the other human into a multiple bond at various times in the Grey’s development. There were no rejections of primary caregivers, as with the Congo Greys. The natural assumption here is that perhaps Timnehs don’t live for extended periods in family or nursery groups, so they do not have to reject that group (or human) in order to find suitable mates...."


Is this a similar experience for you guys? Thanks!

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That is an interesting article Shana and the only experience I can share is my Cag is bonded to me and always has been, I have a husband but he doesn't have much to do with her and she tolerates him but you can tell she prefers me over him but there may be some truth to what you have researched, thanks for sharing it with us and keep us updated.

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Corky is our 10 1/2 year old CAG that we met when she was 9 weeks old and was 14 weeks old when she came home with us.

Corky has a very very strong bond with me my wife and my son and has never changed. She is also very out going and will go to most people at her first meeting.

Not all greys fit the profile and each is their own self.

I found that a lot of things I read are generalizations and that there are too many exceptions that cover too many trates in their profile. I also found this true when it comes to amazons also.

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My Grey is a CAG, 4 years old and my wife has been his cuddle muffin since he came home at 15 weeks old. He does interact well with me, but not at the same intimate level such as laying on his back with his feet sticking up in the air for my wife and receiving scratches for hours from her if we are watching a movie for example. He does allow me to give scratches at times as well. We both share cage, feeding etc. duties and Dayo accepts it well from either of us. He also loves people and will fly and perch on their shoulder for a welcome to our home when they come in. He is a very social bird.


A lot has to do with how well a bird is socialized when young.

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I read the entire article and really did find it to be quite interesting. Thanks so much for posting it. Before deciding to get a TAG I read many articles and did a lot if research into which sub species I should get including other articles also by Jane Hallander. I really did enjoy this and it definitely has inspired me to be more patient in bringing my TAG home.:)

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Interesting. My Amazon (age 14 years) gets along well with both me and my boyfriend, but I think she likes him better. She always makes a great big noisy fuss over him when he comes over. (Funny, though, I think she trusts me more.)


My CAG is not quite five months, and he definitely prefers me. He sometimes bites my boyfriend, but he never bites me. I hope he doesn't switch allegiances down the road. I want him to love both of us, but if he can only love one of us, I want it to be me!

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I read that article at that site a while ago, I thought it was very interesting. We got Marcus at age eight though so I figure he's way beyond the age of possibility where he might "switch loyalties", so all I can say is that I'm Mommy--I can tickle him just about anywhere, I'm the one he'll really step up for if he steps up at all, I can kiss him all over his head and under his neck, I'm the one he generally requests songs from, et cetera. My husband is Daddy--he plays the rough games that I can only hope to be allowed to play, he can get Marcus flapping up a storm and dangling off his bell like a wild monkey, and all those other lovely things. What I'm saying is that Marcus obviously allows different things from each of us; not that I can't play with him at all, or my hubby can't kiss him at all, but there is a difference. I think all relationships are that way, really, different aspects of soul-meeting on different levels with different people (or animals). We are both close to Marcus though, if I was honest, I'd say if he is bonded to one of us it's me. But he hasn't at all rejected my husband because of it.

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I guess one thing I'm worried about is the fact that I'm about to turn twenty. I love my boyfriend, I really do, but how do I know I'm going to spend the rest of my life with him? I don't want to get an AG that will bond to him and then he and I break up and the AG spends all his/her time missing him!

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  • 4 weeks later...
I guess one thing I'm worried about is the fact that I'm about to turn twenty. I love my boyfriend, I really do, but how do I know I'm going to spend the rest of my life with him? I don't want to get an AG that will bond to him and then he and I break up and the AG spends all his/her time missing him!


That's exactly what I'm worrying about. For now I'm still not owned by a Timneh, but soon I will be, and I will be leaving my family in a few years. If he bonds with someone in my family, they won't... let's say, they won't bond with him. I'm kind of the only birdperson in the house >w< I'll have to take him when I leave and I couldn't manage to see him miss the person he bonded with. So hopefully he'll just bond with me >w< Or multiple people.

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I don't have a Grey yet but had Amazon parrots and other pets before and I do believe animals are just like children. The way they turn out to be depends on how they are brought up/handled. Think each animal will be different. Doubt there is a real rule to whether they bond to one person only or more than one or whether they change their bonds or not.

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It's funny what grey parronts worry about. I am going on 65 and have had an artificial aortic heart value for over 35 years. My grey is almost 3 and I worry about who will take her when I am gone. None of my family are "bird" people, funny since I have always loved birds. Of all things they all have cats and adore them!!!!!! My oldest daughter says the first place she will come to is here and see if she can find a parront for Ana Grey among all the loving grey owners. I just laugh at her and say I know she will keep Ana Grey only so she can hear my voice, every day and not miss me!!!!! LOL!!!!

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Aw Luvparrots, that's so sweet.


I think I'm decided on a CAG. I move to the apartment the first week of September (if we don't have any issues with the current tenant), and I am hoping to put a deposit down somewhere as soon as I, you know, pay for furniture, birdie safe cookware, sexier clothes now that I'm going to be doing my own laundry (LOL!).


If I don't have a deposit down by May, feel free to come after me guys!

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I can see you added a Senegal Parrot to your flock, Eshana. He's gorgeous! :) And they are supposed to be great pets as well as Greys. How are you gonna cope with 3 parrots in a flat? hehe Don't neighbours complain? I am thinking of getting a CAG as well and really worried I might get into trouble because I also live in flat (even though I'm trying to move to a house asap). Good luck with everything! x

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