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A Day in the Life of Marcus


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Today, although quite mundane in many respects, found Marcus acting a little bit... different. Our one new boy Tybalt, quarantined with his buddy Bunsen in our bedroom, had a day of firsts (here in his new home, anyway) the other day--I heard him practicing some English behind the closed door--so perhaps Marcus thought he should have some notable accomplishments, too? ;)


I was home all day today, and I spent an unusual amount of uninterrupted time with Marcus and Beaker, as I was writing letters with them in the birdroom. Recently, some friends of ours found a near-perfect parrot activity center just Marcus' size on their neighbors' curb, put out for the trash (they actually asked them if it was really for the trash, it's so nice). Anyway, they kindly dropped it off for us, so I scrubbed it up and let it sit in the sun for a few days; and when we brought it inside, Marcus just fell in love with it. He actually "stepped up" for me (on my forearm) a couple of consecutive days in a row, just so he could be placed on it!! So I was a bit surprised today when he kept resisting my offers to step up (which is still a bit of a three-ring circus, compared to the ease with which we can have Beaker step up, but that's another story).


My husband, whom I called at work and to whom I related my story, suggested that Marcus was acting funny because I had opened the awning on their one window, which is usually shut for privacy as we have no workable blinds on that window. He said maybe it made their room seem like too big of an open space for him to want to be up high like that, up on his "playgym". So I went outside and put down the awning again and--not long after that--Marcus stepped up enough so that he could kind of crazily fly over to the lowest part of his playgym. Success!


He stayed up there all day... Beaker went back and forth to his cage, but Marcus was more than content to stay put on his playgym, regardless if I was in the room or not. When my hubby got home, he offered to make me dinner :) and so I just hung out with Marcus and Beaker some more. I was reading by then, and I felt a little guilty that my husband was doing all this work in the kitchen (and having an issue with the cats on the counter or something, from what little wandered into the birdroom to me). So I asked Marcus if it would be okay for me to go out for a bit and be with Daddy in the kitchen?


"Stay heeeere," Marcus said from his highest playgym perch, drawing out the word "here" in an interesting kind of way.


"Okay, I'll stay here," I told him, pleased that he actually responded--and so clearly! I went back to reading.


After a bit, I realized it was almost their bedtime at 9:30 (and dinner was still not ready!). So I informed Marcus that he would have to come down from his playgym soon, it was almost bedtime. Marcus kind of bobbed around on that top perch for a moment, stretching his wings a little.


"Mumble-mumble stay up heeeere!" Marcus warbled, drawing out the word "here" again.


I replied that, yes, he could stay up there on his playgym until I was done cleaning out the boys' respective cages. But it would be bedtime after that. And so he did stay there, quite happily, and was rather put out when it was time to 'go to bed'. I gave him the option of flying down or stepping up to go down to the floor, and he lunged a little when I offered my arm but then made a little kissy sound afterward (apparently an apology), and in the end he jumped off and flew over almost violently, landing hard against the side of his cage, flapping madly. He wasn't hurt though (good thing, because he gave himself another crack on the head early this morning!), and I told him what a good boy he was for flying like that.


When they were both inside their cages, after closing their doors, I sang Marcus and Beaker a song they like. Then my husband called in "Good night, boys!" and it was lights out for them both. (Although I know Marcus stayed up for a while while we ate with the other mammals on our laps or nearby :) and then spent some time with Tybalt and Bunsen. He makes little noises sometimes as if to say, "I'm in bed but you can't make me sleep!")


So, this is just a little 'day in the life' kind of post, and even though all these little things might seem insignificant and ordinary to most parrots (talking, flying a bit, etc.) they're pretty special to me. Marcus makes me so proud sometimes, especially considering his background--while not the worst, it wasn't the best, either--and I just wanted to share a little more with everyone here about my own special Grey boy. Mommy's prerogative. :D

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Katana600, Ray P... thank you so much for posting. It really made my day to read your comments and your encouragement. I feel like Marcus is just blooming right now in some ways, and yet a part of me is afraid I'll do something wrong to make us backtrack for a bit, or worse. But on relatively 'happy days' like yesterday, and today too (Marcus just figured out how to climb down the vertical posts on his playgym to the food bowls, I'm so proud of him and he seemed pleased with himself, too--he went up and down a couple of times, apparently just for the fun of it!) I feel I can relax and believe it's all going to be good, even with the mistakes. :)

Edited by MarcusCAG
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It is a given that we all will make mistakes, it is the ability to keep moving forward and not let a little backslide destroy the progress you have already made that makes for a rich and rewarding relationship. We learn every day what exquisite creatures are living in our midst and I am grateful for the opportunity to have every new discovery and the joy of the process through both the good and the not so good parts. If everything was smooth sailing all the time, we would become complacent and bored. The joy of discovery and the high points help to soothe the rough spots and I think that is the nature of our relationships. Marcus could not have come to a more loving and nurturing home.

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What a greyt day! I'm so happy to hear about how Marcus is doing and that playgym was a greyt deal! Hope to hear more "a day in the life" stories, I love reading about everyone's birds. Helps those of us who are still relatively new at this know what a "normal" day should be, lol.

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