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Louie finally exploring the House!

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I can't believe it, but today, Louie decided to tour the house. Here he is on the light shade at the table:




and here, believe it or not is Louie sitting in my lap! He just flew there!




and sitting on a plant in the kitchen:




Now I just have to figure out how to get him back into the bird room!!!!!!

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Greetings! Spock here....Oh No!! Another greenie thing on the loose...What is the.....wait..wait, it's not your turn yet!...hehehe Salsa here...Louie, you go you...knew you had it in you. The trick to keep them one step behind is to keep high whenever they are looking for you. Oh, and when they call you, don't answer...freaks them out every time...hehehe...and you know, us Greenies can change directions, fly quicker and land on places no Grey has gone before...Salsa

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It has been almost 9 months since Louie came to live with me. He will not let me step him up. He growls if I even try to give him a nut while on my lap so, I'll just be happy with what he will offer. Spock, Loouie is very clumsy when it comes to flying. He is like an overweighted helicopter. Although he has lost quite a lot of fat and is now a lean sleek zon. I will have to watch my woodwork though as Louie loves to chew on wood. He destroys more wooden toys and I have to buy, buy, buy for the rascal!

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Well it was a long time coming but it was well worth it, I knew he would come around and he did, you have been the patient woman waiting for her man to open up and he has and I think more is in store for you and Louie, good job Janet and thanks for sharing the pics with is, he is so handsome.

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Louie was a little trouble to get back into the birdroom at bedtime. He will not let me hold him and he will not step up. So we have to go through the "Nite, nite Louie" routine. I start by telling Louie it is nite, nite time and then go after him. I know, I know this is not the ideal situation but it is the only way to get Louie back into his room. He will fly back to the bird room if I am persistent and go after him and keep asking him to "step up" He has watched Ana Grey step up many times so he knows what I am doing when I ask. He will not oblige! Once he is back in the bird room, I go to his cage and tap on the open door and he knows he has to go to bed or be pestered by me until he does. He goes back after flying around a little. I am assuming it is his night time exercise before being "cooped up". It is a ritual we go through every night ending by my telling him "thank you". So we will see what today brings and if Louie will be coming out again today. I'll let you know! I have never really touched Louie yet, he will not let me on his own. So more patience will be needed for a while looonnnngggger!

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I think your patience and willingness to meet Louie on his own terms is going to pay off big when he makes the decision to relax for a little scritch on his head. I love that he flew to your lap. It is such an amazing feat of patience and trust when they make the decision to fly to you. He is beautiful.

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