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How's Issac Doing?


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So, it has been a while as I have been super busy at work lately. However, I have had tons of time to spend with my best little friend Issac. I had a little time today at work to share a little bit about the last couple of months with my baby.


Issac is now somewhere around 18 months old. He is the sweetest little noise factory in the world. Just talking about him shows the softer side of me as he just melts my heart every time I come home to see him there. I can almost never come home without running over to his cage to let him out. He stretches his wings and I give him little kisses on his tummy. (Soft me again) Anyway, he is a wonderful mimic of so many noises but a bird of few words so far. He says "Hello Boyee" when he is in the right mood, but in general he has fun making really cute sounds. One of my latest favorites is the smaller birds outside and the dog downstairs barking and howling. He also said "Awwweeeee" one day too as that is what I say when he does something cute.


On the days I don't have to run off to work, I will bring him into my room in the morning, lay on the bed, and let him trot between a pillow on my bed and along the window sill. As he does this, he does the little high pitched tweets back at the birds outside and "Whoooo"'s at people as they walk by. Then he will come ont my pillow where my head is and bend his head down for some good head rubbing. He is a super loving little guy.


I had 4 kids over one afternoon and they just thought he was awesome with the way he flies. I personally never tire of the majesty of his flight either. He knows exactly how to home in on my location and find me no matter where I am. For some reason he wants to really be invovled when I am brushing my teeth, flossing, or on the phone. Sometimes I run around the house ducking and dodging him as he gives chase.


Then there are quiet (well sometimes quiet) evening when he just likes to sit on my knee as I watch TV. He is possibly the most magical relationship I have ever had in my life next to my daughter. (I am not sure if that says more about how wonderful of a companion he is, or how I handle relationships. ;) )


The only time I have to deal with a bite or two is when it's time for him to go back in the cage. I can respect that and take the couple of bites. Almost immediately after he gives me a good clamp, he sits on my hand and lets me place him on his perch. Then I thank him lavishly and give him some pine nuts for his troubles.


Issac has certainly been there for me. I love this bird with everything I have. He is the best companion that anyone could ask for. It is so wonderful to see his confidence in everything that he does. It let's me know that there is not a care in the world for him other than having me home and being free to fly about the house. He gets tons of pets and kisses and seems to know that is my way of telling him that he is wonderful. So thankful for my little friend.


Well that is all for now. I would post some pictures I have taken but my company's web policies block me from seeing many web sites including photo hosting sites, so I will get some pictures of the little guy up later. Thanks for reading and caring about the welfare of my baby. Cheers for now.

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You know I have missed the frequent updates you used to do, we knew everything that Issac did or said but life has a way of interfering but we have to eat and maintain a roof over our head so we do what we have to. It's great that he is still the light of your life and you really know how to put it in words about how you feel about Issac so give us updates when you can Stephen and give the little fella a kiss for me.

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You know I have missed the frequent updates you used to do, we knew everything that Issac did or said but life has a way of interfering but we have to eat and maintain a roof over our head so we do what we have to. It's great that he is still the light of your life and you really know how to put it in words about how you feel about Issac so give us updates when you can Stephen and give the little fella a kiss for me.


Yeah. I will try to speak of him a bit more. He certainly is a fantastic little guy. I want to capture some of his antics on video so you all can see how he behaves when I get a phone call. He is so silly. I think that he thinks I am giving love to the phone because it is rubbing against my face and I am talking to it as I do to him sometimes. The way he gets himself in the way of that is absolutely adoreable. I will try to get a video up of that.


I have been waiting for him to do something crazy that I could write about, but he mostly stays his same old loveable little self. Which is a super wonderful thing.


You can be sure that he will get tons of kisses when I get home and i will make one of them for you.

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Your life with Isaac is magical and I will be waiting in line to watch that video and see pictures when you get the chance to put it together. I love what Isaac means to you and how you keep his happiness and well being in perspective and how you share with us your joy.

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Thanks for sharing the depth of your love for Isaac. It is nice to know that this, perhaps, is a common experience when one has a grey. I know this is also the experience for me. I thank my lucky stars that Brutus came into my life. He is the source of laughter, fun, and heart-rending emotional attachment.

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Thanks for the update. I always look forward to reading them. :)


You know, you mention the tweets, chirps and sounds when being greeted upon arrival home, leaving, birds outside etc. This seems very natural and normal for a grey or any other bird for that matter. Even birds with large vocabularies seem to have the most endearing chirps, variable pitch whistles and other sounds I cannot even describe that says a TON in terms of meaning. I suppose their natural parrotese kicks in when they wish to convey somethings like a "SOOooo Happy your Home", "Uh Oh, where you going?" or a "Thats not what I wanted or asked for!". You come to know each of those distinct parrotese sounds and it tells you instantly, without words, exactly what they think or want.

Edited by danmcq
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