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Codys First Outing

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It is beautiful outside and since I have the weekend off I wanted to get Cody in his new harness and leash and get his grey but outside , putting the harness on was a little hard but between me and hubby we got it on him and he loved being outside , we had a few people stop and ask about him on our walk around the apartment complex then we found a nice area to sit with him in the grass , all in all it was a perfect day :) theese pics are on our balcony and no thats not bird poop on the aluminum siding lol I found out it's dirt and I didn't notice it untill after we took the pics . so heres the pics






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Cody looks relaxed outside enjoying the fresh air and sunshine, thanks for sharing the pics with us.

I wasn't going to mention the spot on your siding but since you brought it up I thought Cody took a shot at it and was proud of it, certainly does look like a bird took a dump on it.

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