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Will Kenya Ever Be Weaned???


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As some of you know I am not exactly sure how old Kenya is but she is fully feathered and has been flying for about 2 weeks. She still wants her handfeedings just as much as she always did. I feed her twice a day with a spoon and she is always ready for it. She eats everything else I give her too; pellets, seeds, fruit, veggies, birdie bread, etc. The only thing that has changed is that now after she eats for a while she throws some up, she never did this before. Is she just being a pig, can I cut out a feeding because I know this is being a bad parent but I am tired! What is the average age for abundance weaned CAG's?

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Abundance feeding has no time limit. It could be 3 mt or 4 or 5 or 6 mts. The basic idea behind abundance feeding is to let the bird tell the owner when it doesn't want a feeding of formula. A bird who is still using formula may very well be eating just about anything else too. If your bird is spitting up the formula, that's a sign to cut down 1 feeding of formula. When the spitting up occurs again, the next feeding is cut down. I have no idea how old your bird is but in the case of abundance feeding, age makes no difference. Abundance feeding makes for a healthier, calmer bird in the future.

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She spits up at both feedings so should I cut the morning one out and just give less at night? She doesn't eat very much at all before the spitting up starts. I have been handfeeding her since she was around 4-5 weeks old and she has never spit up, the breeder told me she was 8 weeks when I got her. She should be about 3 1/2 months old now. My sun conure is 4 1/2 months old and she still wants a couple of bites of the night feeding too, I keep waiting for a total refusal but I feel like any time I make some formula they will want it!

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Yes, that's one way to do it. There's many ways to do it but the whole thing here is that your bird is telling you *enough, I'm a woman now*!!!!!. It sounds like her time is coming. It's great that she eats all other things too so the smaller amount or the lack of one complete formula feeding shouldn't be any big deal. As far as a bird taking or wanting some in the future, that's no big deal either. Loads of birds do it. Give some flavored instant oatmeal too. They love it.

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