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Marcus Apologized


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Being the cautious Mommy that I apparently am, after his little accident this morning, Marcus ended up spending most of the day in his cage. When his Daddy got home from work tonight, however, we both went into the birdroom to spend some much-needed time with Marcus and Beaker.


Blah, blah... my husband brought in some tools to fiddle with while Marcus was out wandering around the floor and Beaker was up on his Boing. Marcus, of course, was curious about these neat metal instruments and although we offered him toys, he wanted Daddy's toys. ;) At one point, Marcus got a little bit cranky about being told "No!" again, and he lashed out and bit the first knuckle of my index finger. I gasped a little and my hubby asked if he bit me, and I said that he did. So I told Marcus that he really needed to go back in his cage now, and I started herding him in that direction.


Marcus, being Marcus, was resisting a bit (non-biting) so I told him he had to go back, because "Marcus, you bit me, that hurt!" and I turned to show him my finger, which by that point had a little globule of blood formed on the skin. Marcus looked at it and lowered his head, muttering "sorry" in a barely discernible voice.


"Did he just say 'sorry'?" I asked, surprised.


"He did, he's sorry, don't make him go back now!" my husband insisted, ever the soft one.


So Marcus got to stay up a little longer, and things were very nice until he and Beaker finally were put to bed a few minutes ago. But I think it's cool that he apologized to me! Who knows if it'll ever happen again, haha, so I thought I'd "transcribe" the incident here for posterity. :)

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I think he had a headache from his crash in the morning... lost his mind for a moment. Of course he was shocked that his beak just latched onto you on its own and he was sorry you were hurt. Yep, I would have let him stay up late too.

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Everyone, haha, the bite really wasn't all that bad... not like some of the ones he's dished out in the past! (When he starts "sawing" on a finger is a killer!) But it did bleed, and maybe seeing the blood and hearing me insist that it hurt was what prompted the apology. *Shrug* Either way, it was quite unexpected but really very nice of him, whatever his motivation. :)


I think he had a headache from his crash in the morning... lost his mind for a moment. Of course he was shocked that his beak just latched onto you on its own and he was sorry you were hurt. Yep, I would have let him stay up late too.


Hehe, that's a good excuse, isn't it? :) Yes, he must have lost his mind from the little knock he gave himself, the poor baby! (It's all but healed up by now, btw. Yay!)

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