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Marcus Hurt Himself


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This happened at around 10:00 this morning (it's about noon here now). I had just showered from being in our bedroom with Tybalt and Bunsen and cleaning them out, and I was going to go into the birdroom to be with Marcus and Beaker, clean them out, give them new food, etc. Just after I knocked on their door and opened it, someone knocked on our front door and our dog started barking like crazy. It was still relatively dark in the birdroom since I hadn't opened the shades yet, and Marcus started flapping around like mad. I didn't even think about it, I just grabbed a bathrobe to run and see whoever was at the door, but they were getting in their car again when I got there, so I just grumbled it off and went back to the birdroom. When I got there, I turned on the light and opened the cage doors, and Marcus and Beaker climbed out.


It took a few moments for me to realize that Marcus was bleeding... there was a small gash between his nares, and a little gash above his left eye. There was also a little blue spot above his left eye. I presume that this injury occurred while he was flapping around when our dog started barking, I assume it startled him badly. I immediately tried to discern how deep it was, if it was gushing or anything. He was acting perfectly normal--he let me hold his beak gently but when he saw the rag coming at him he got a little squirmy (I had put aloe vera juice on it), so I just decided to "shower" him with some aloe vera juice to rinse the cuts out a little. Then I gave him a birdie cookie as a treat for enduring the shower, and I switched out his pellets and changed his water. I put a small amount organic apple cider vinegar in the water because I thought it might help with any possible infection (and I've put ACV in the birds' water before, they don't seem to mind the taste). Then I got the idea to put some spirulina in some organic baby food (which I use as treats sometimes, it's all fruit), which Marcus gobbled up immediately.


So he seems to be in good spirits, he's very chatty this morning, but is there something else I should or shouldn't be doing? My husband has the car at work with him, and Marcus isn't bleeding anymore, but I'll be keeping an eye on him today and would appreciate any pertinent thoughts from anyone here. I know I've read other Greys have acquired little cuts and bruises when they're learning to land and bang into walls and things, and they end up okay, so I'm not totally freaking out, but any input would be appreciated if I'm missing something, thank you.

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It sounds like he just startled, poor baby. Looks like you did well with the exam and follow up, just watch the area for any redness, odor or swelling and report to your Veterinarian if you see any of these signs. Keep him a bit quiet today and continue to observe making certain he is eating, drinking and his balance is unaffected. Good work >:>

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I agree with Jill, he got startled when the knocking at the door combined with the dog barking made him flap around in his cage, you can put some aloe vera jel on the cut, it comes in a bottle and is usually in the pharmacy department maybe with the suntan products.

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Greywings is right.


Birds tend to damage themselves with minor scrapes at times as you described when startled. Sometimes they will even do so playing aggressively with a toy like a large bell, especially around the facial area of nares and above the eyes. Of course, all of us worry and fuss over them each times it happens to make certain they are ok. Your a GreYt Parront!

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Thank you so much for your warm thoughts and advice, everyone. Marcus did give us quite the scare this morning (I texted a pic of him to my hubby at work, right after the incident), but I just peeked in on him again and he was eating and, as I talked to him, he moved over and started drinking too. I put on one of his favorite records and he started "snapping" along with it... so I think he's on the mend. :) There's still a definite red U-shaped line between and over his nares, and a little one above his eye, but hopefully that will heal up within a few days. I will be keeping an eye on him today and let you know...

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Sounds like you've done a great job so far! If it gets worse, ie swelling, redness, discharge, or odor; you can use chlorhexadine to clean it and if you have any animax, which is an antibiotic/antimicrobial cream, that will take care of any potential infection. More than likely, it will just heal up on it's own. Keeping it clean and dry will reduce healing time.


Poor baby, sure hope he heals up quickly!


Kindest Regards,


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Just a little update: Marcus is acting pretty normal, good appetite, very loving, and very much enjoying his music. ;) I didn't want him wandering around on the floor today, considering, but since he didn't want to go to his playgym either, he's pretty much been in his cage all day (ah, well). The gash looks like it's scabbing up a bit at its 'deepest' point, thankfully. Hopefully the worst is past!


Thank you, everyone, for all of the kind thoughts sent his way! :)

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How traumatic for you and Marcus. I sometimes think these types of events are worse for us than they are for them. Meaning that, once they figure out they are okay, they usually get over the event quickly and continue to "live-in-the-moment" while we replay the trauma and think of worst case scenarios.

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