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How Far?


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Does anyone have any thoughts as to how far a bird would travel in miles if they were to escape to the out side? I know it depends on the circumstances, time lost, etc., but would it be possible for them to go hundred of miles, or would they?

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I read a story about a african Grey that was lost for 4 months and was found 80 miles away. The bird had a chip and that is how they found the owner.

I read this a year or two ago on the net.

The size of the bird and specie of the bird would be important. A macaw tiel or zon I think would be all differant.

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I just read about an escapee who was supposed to have traveled 30 miles in 2 days:





In general & I'm only guessing, I would think "they" could go quite far. Migratory birds travel many hundreds of miles every year. There's also been a lot of severe weather around. I'd guess an escapee could get blown pretty far off course, assuming they had the strength to survive.


Interesting question, Penny. What type of bird & what made you ask?

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I was asking because of the AG found in Fitchburg, MA. I live very close to there and haven't been able to find anyone in this state who has lost a bird. So I am looking in surrounding states.

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I know where the tags are for the Fitchburg bird but I was asked not to tell as that is how they are attempting to ID this guy. They are definitely out of state. Bird is in great shape and was well cared for before his escape but she has not had any luck finding the owner as of yet.

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Me too. She has had a few inquiries but nobody that can positively ID the bird. He/she is in great shape though & when I went over to set up the loaner cage, he said his first word in a week *hellloooo?* Sounded so much like my moms bird I almost called her!! LOL The animal control lady was so excited to hear him make sounds other than a dripping faucet :)

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I live in MA and have spent many hours searching owners of lost birds. The band only will identify the breeders home state. This bird could have been shipped to its owner from that state. Mine came from another state and was shipped to me. There is no reports of a lost bird in MA, VT, NH, CT that is missing a congo. I have made many phone calls to NJ and NY owners who have lost their birds...but those that have their band info to give me does not have the same info as this found bird.

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Wow! You are a great person! Only a bird owner that truly enjoys & understands the companionship & effort these birds require would put in the effort to help a stranger find their beloved pet. I commend you. If I had more time, I too would be making calls but unfortunately, I am at work all day and have no internet service @ home. I take it you have spoken to Suzie then? For the time being, the bird is in good hands...just not in the hands that it is used to. I have offered to foster the bird but I too would enjoy seeing it go back to its owner.


I couldn't tell you what is on Ringer's band but he is my moms bird...who is madly in love with my husband ;) Next time I am over there, I am making note of his info because I can guarantee that my mom never has in the last 12 years.

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Thanks for the kind words Mandy, but I have only spoken to Suzie 1 time, and she seemed a bit like she wasn't too interested in what I had to say. I dont care tho, I just want the bird to be reunited with its owners.

I am glad you are able to talk to her and keep up on this bird. I will continue my efforts, but it isn't looking too good...:(

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Yeah, I know her outside of her job so I have been pestering her about the bird. I would love to see it go back to where it belongs. I'm sure someone somewhere is missing it! I have been emailing out of state craigslist lost & found posters that fit the time frame in hopes that someone will come forward with the right info!! I would be searching frantically if it was my Ring-ding that was missing, I hope this bird's owners are looking too and eventually we can get it home!!

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Yeah, I know her outside of her job so I have been pestering her about the bird. I would love to see it go back to where it belongs. I'm sure someone somewhere is missing it! I have been emailing out of state craigslist lost & found posters that fit the time frame in hopes that someone will come forward with the right info!! I would be searching frantically if it was my Ring-ding that was missing, I hope this bird's owners are looking too and eventually we can get it home!!



Yes, I have done the same with no results or success.

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