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Snack time {pics}


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I snapped a few pictures of my fids eatin their snacks when I went home for lunch yesterday....I also took pics of my other birds, hope ya'll don't mind!


This is The Queen Bee, Red, eating her snack



Mom, I knew you gave me this peanut as a bribe



Then the diva princess Zsa Zsa


Mom I don't like my picture being taken dangit



Do you mind I'm eating here?



Alright thats it your camera is toast!



Here my Senegal Midori thinking, that's it?!



and then my goofball Mango. I tried to get a picture of her, but before I could even push the button, she had already dropped her treat, and ran to the top of her cage to hide in her happy hut and puff up all big in attack mode and defending her cage:laugh:


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Guest Monique

I love Mango's picture ... What a sweetie - she looks so warm and cozy and SAFE in that little cuddle-bug-rug!! Thanks so much for posting those pictures for us!!!

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Hi there,


these are wonderful pictures. I noticed that your CAG's chest has a few feathers missing. My mom's CAG keeps on jumping of the cage, and the feathers fell out because of that.


I wonder if other's CAG's do the same?

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Hi Ice,


Are you CAG's wings clipped to where it falls straight down?


They should only be clipped, so that they can fly no less than a 45 dgree angle down or better yet, maintain almost a level flight.


If it's going straight down, that is very dangerous and could cause a lot of bodily harm. It can split his breast open.

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Guest briansmum

great pictures lovie, im with the consensus here, mango looks so cute in that picture, while being very protective of her hut. bad camera, bad!

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Hi Ice....


Red does have a patch missing. Both my CAGs were rescued but she was the more abused one of the two. She picked them out from what the owner said years ago, and from what the vet could tell there was some scar tissue there indicating she might have at one time picked at her skin, but either way she will probably never get those chest feathers back. The area itself has gotten a bit smaller as she's let some grow back in, but she hasn't plucked at all since she's lived with me!

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