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If you read my "Breakthrough" post, then you know about Annie, the Catalina macaw baby who broke her leg. Well, her leg is healing well and I went in today and took her a new toy. I rigged her cage with wooden dowels and she is using them to get around with her beak. I hate that the people who were gonna take her don't want her now. Jeff and I are considering bringing her home.


Isn't she purty???


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She is beautiful. I will look up your other post. She sure deserves someone who will stick with her through good parts as well as the tough parts. She is lucky to have you in her life right now and if you keep her that will just be a bonus for all of you.

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Annie is beautiful! I've never seen a cast on a parrot before so that photo is interesting to me in that regard, too. I hope she can find a wonderful, loving forever home even if it ends up not being with you. Blow her a kiss for me the next time you see her! :)

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Thanks for all the kind words everyone. Annie is doing great, just 4 more weeks with the cast now! Jeff and I decided not to take her for two reasons. One, we recently brought Paco into our home and while he is doing great, he is still a rescued macaw and does have some issues to work on which take a considerable amount of his time already and two, my baby CAG Mojo will be coming home around the same time Annie will be healed. While it's quite tempting to bring another macaw into our hearts, we know she deserves more time and affection than either of us will be able to spare. The good news is that another wonderful family came to visit her today and they are considering taking her. They have a B&G macaw at home already.


I'll be interested to see if her leg is crooked at all once the cast comes off. Since she has been doing all her balancing on the other leg, I also wonder if she will naturally keep her weight shifted that way at least for a short time after the cast is removed. Guess I'll find out!


Kindest Regards,


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