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Hi all,


My boyfriend and I recently adopted a Greenwing Macaw after losing our Military Macaw to a stroke. Paco is 9 years old and has never been handled. He lived in a cage and was taught as a baby how to take shots of tequila. So far, he has been wonderful, only screaming when I walk out of the room. The rescue told us that he prefers men, but he will only talk, play and sing with me. However, he will only let Jeff into his cage to clean. He's been home with us for only 3 days now. Last night, he surprised us all by asking Jeff to pick him up. Here is the result:


Thanks for letting me share :) To think this guy would have ended up in a sanctuary where he would never be handled makes me even more proud to have him as a flock member.




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Yes, the alcohol did cause some long term problems with growth. Paco should be quite a bit bigger than he is. His body length is more the size of a Military versus a Greenwing. But, other than that, he doesn't seem to have any issues. He has quite a large vocabulary for a macaw at over 200 words. He can sing whole songs like Twinkle little star and loves to play peek-a-boo with his wings.


I don't understand how people could do such awful things to these majestic creatures. I've always said there is a special place in you know where for people like that.

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I am so glad to hear that Paco is doing well in his new home and yes it is unbelieveable how cruel some people can be but he has landed in a new forever home and is appreciating it, I see many more wonderful things happening in his new life.

And don't you worry about those people who abused Paco as they will get their comeuppance.

Thanks for sharing the picture with us and know we will be seeing more of Paco.

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Thanks all! I'm looking forward to all that our big red guy will bring to our lives. It's been far too quiet with only one bird in the house. In about 4 weeks, I'll be bringing little Mojo home. To top that off, there is a 10 week old Catalina macaw baby at the store with Mojo who broke her leg on Sunday. Her owners don't want her now. I've named her little orphan Annie. She is a real sweetie! Might she come home with me too??? LOL. Good thing I have a major bird loving boyfriend, eh? :)

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Wow. What great progress in such a short time from not being handled to being thoroughly relaxed with you. This is a match made in heaven for your family. What a beautiful picture. Thanks so much for sharing. Little orphan Annie.... awwww. Bless her. I can't think where she would be more loved and appreciated than your expanding flock.

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